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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. Seems too progressive. The cold has re-aligned to the north but looks like all the energy is focused further N. Digging? What digging?
  2. No doubt they were urged by other offices to not be late to the Warning party what with the holiday travels and all. Curious to see how this will compare to '78 at DTW since I'm now living in DTW-land.
  3. Np. You're just paying it forward. Don't forget to bump your orig post in about 24 hrs
  4. SREFS been a thing around here as long as I can remember.
  5. More like half. GRR must be in touch with @Harry We have issued a Blizzard Warning for our western 2 rows of counties and Winter Storm Warning for the eastern counties. This storm as two significant aspects, the unusable strong winds during a snow storm
  6. Was their Watch even up 8 hrs?? maybe they cancel headlines before it even starts
  7. Yes, ofc. I want the most amped-up option on the table to verify I just think GFS is being the GFS at this point. Every swings for the fences.
  8. GFS always too amped. My point was they aren't as far apart at end of the day
  9. Dude. We get it you're sore from bad trends, but seriously? Troll elsewhere
  10. GFS has SLP bouncing around by hundreds of mile like a ping-pong ball, lol
  11. Was already in the cellar once. I'm very familiar. Pretty sure we'll all end up ok in the end. Powerhouse storm
  12. Tbh, no way I could deal with the sh*t The Plains deal with in terms of arctic plunges and bitter WC's. Warm and toasty in The Mitt works just fine.
  13. Had a 2 day outage in S. Bend after the ice storm in '02. Totally sucked and the cold following was mild by these standards. Ohio in '78 outages were a matter of life and death. Watching that youtube vid and that one guy living in a mobile home said he hadn't lost power, but wind was blowing snow right thru the seals on his windows and furnace wasn't able to keep it warm inside. He made a make-shift huddle zone inside a closet and used a candle in a can to keep that little room in the 50's. With outside clothes he was able to survive that way. And again, his power wasn't even out.
  14. Sounds memorable, lol. Here ya go (from IWX's update. Nice wind vector for yby) Additional snow accumulations are expected near Lake Michigan through Sunday in west-northwest wind favored snow belts.
  15. Can you image the range of model solutions we'd be forced to endure with the '78 mega-merger scenario Or the board crashing because EC Weenies were already salivating at Feb 5th on LR runs?
  16. Globals aren't showing that though. Seems like the models do like to amplify the N stream Lows more for some reason. Due to proximity to the thermal boundary perhaps. I don't see this returning to a CF passage.
  17. New here, so not gotten a feel for weenie-isms or not. Their overnight crew AFD's the past couple/few days have been awesome and in depth without seeming too upbeat or downbeat. But right when you think they'd issue something or at least express some concerns for public safety, they 99'd us. It is a few days before the holidays and notoriously in these situations in big storms of the past GRR's better Mets would be out and we'd get total BS from "04"
  18. Yes, but across much of S Lakes/OHV there was a decent remnant snowpack. 5" was typical across non-LES regions of SMI as the storm set in. This was a slushy compacted base which rapidly re-froze and did aid in allowing the new snow which was of a high ratio type to blow and drift quickly. An ideal state most of us will not have from an impact standpoint. As mentioned there was the 1st in the series of triple blizzards that had run through the OHV around the 19th iirc. It was a big deal for IN and OH and eastward. Then the bomb cut N over the remnant snow cover.
  19. pm AFD written by He/She/It/Bot #99. Dry like they were copying someone else's homework to turn in
  20. iirc, that was the all-time depth at BC and only time on record to crest 30" depth
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