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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. Haha, right. Forgot to mention that while we didn't have TWC circa 82-83 we did get WGN so I got my first exposure to Skilling. Was blown away. Had never seen any weather segment like his, not even close.
  2. When I think of TWC as cutting edge its way back to the beginning in the early 80's. My parents had cable then, but TWC wasn't part of their package I guess. My Ex's folks had it tho so when I was there during winter months I'd be like binge watching, lol. I remember the excitement of seeing the HEAVY SNOW region (white iirc) over SMI. I had a NOAA Wx radio from late '81 which was my "go-to" since waiting for 6 pm or 11 pm TV met was too long. In the late 80's prior to moving to NMI, I found the NWS wx office phone number in the phone book and I'd call and ask whoever answered if there was any storms looming? They never seemed to mind.
  3. Ofc I want the results over the headline too but you just have to live in one of GRR's non-LES regions to fully appreciate the frustration of getting the same WWA headline others are under when you should easily have a watch/warning for a synoptic event. Then, as you've pointed out they will issue a warning for LES that delivers a few inches. Even more angst involved if it means your only season without a warning in your entire life as I'm facing to date.
  4. Presuming it holds, would be my first winter anywhere I've lived without a warned storm. Clare County scored 6.5" in the first Feb storm, but we are in GRR's ignorable corner so they never upgraded. Mm
  5. Have had nearly 150% of avg snow for Feb. But, like D & J, lets see how much we can melt away in the final few days of the month. (SMDH)
  6. Like others said, you've not seen the better parts of Michigan. Hopefully you can find a way to make it happen.
  7. Have you taken a drive up in the snowbelts of NMI? Its only about 2 hrs from Mt. P. My co-worker lives outside Kalkaska and says the snows up to his roof line in places. You mentioned not seeing deep snow before.
  8. I scored about 70% of the 23" the 1/31 Euro snowfall map was showing here through the 15th. Considering that was Kuchera ratios, I don't hate my result.
  9. Isn't that 1842-43 winter nuts? Just the snowcover statement alone makes 13-14 look "ok" lol. I know nothing of the depths in 1842-43. Are there any measurement data that you're aware of? (oh, and I figured you'd be going north this winter - hope your trip is great)
  10. I had a high-end chance of 14, but at least I got my 1
  11. NW Trend's the new false flag mode. In the end, a pedestrian SEMI storm - yuck
  12. Figured. Not really a SWMI system. Needed it over KTOL for that!
  13. Latest SR models look like a big pile of dog crap for middle of The Mitt. Sandwiched between systems yet again. How much you have on the ground there attm?
  14. 99 delivered 14" and winds. Can't remember if they went bliz warned or not tbh? Not aware of March '96 at all.
  15. Currently sitting on a forecasted 9 inches for the weekend, with 14" high-end limit.
  16. '99 last legit bliz for DTW. Jan '05 may have been damn close tho
  17. DTX: * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel inconvenience during Saturday. Dangerous travel and outdoor conditions possible Saturday night and Sunday.
  18. Yeppers. Congrats on that. 18z NAM looking further south, east outcome as expected. The winter without a storm warning for me.
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