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Everything posted by RDM

  1. Still 27F here - been 26 or 27 all day since I got up yesterday morning - about 20 hours ago. Time to hit the sack. Good luck to all for the remainder of whatever is to come.
  2. That sliver of yellow running through Nrn FFCO and Eastern Loudoun is likely not wide enough. We're approaching 5 here NW of Vienna and reports from Reston & Great Falls appear similar. Hope the banding that is filling in from down by Warrenton and Luray continues.
  3. 4.5" here - last measurement for tonight... sn- now Pretty amazing thin line of precipitation all the way back to GOM by NO.
  4. Now 4"+ here NW of Vienna. Went for a Jebwalk and it turned to sleet for about 15 mins then back to the heaviest rates of sn so far - until a few mins ago when it got even heavier. Approaching sn+ at times. Fatties mixing in now. Awesome outside. Surface streets are largely unplowed around here.
  5. Haha - yeaaaa I regret taking down the ground lights we put out on your yard. 10 rolls of lights - each roll with 36 LEDs that hang on small wires about 6" above the ground. Each roll is 360' long. So yes, that's 3600 feet of wire. Takes a while to install but I need the exercise. Wish's I'd left them in place. Enjoy the snow!!!
  6. Just a few pics... Great night for a Jebwalk! IMG_9676.MOV
  7. Just came in from plowing our 500' driveway - have a legit 3" (no slant sticking!). Would be nice to squeeze another inch out of this. Temp stayed rock steady 26/27 throughout most of the day. Not bad... Can sense a sigh of relief across the forum.
  8. Well done. Thought I was the only one who was thinking the same thing. Took about half of ours down outside but left up enough to provide the ambiance.
  9. Just drove from Dulles to our house in Vienna on Lawyers Road. The Toll Road and 28 were fine - just wet with snow crews lined up along the berm on stay. (Athough some infidels were still driving 25mph with their flashers on). Hunter Mill road is starting to cave w.slush and ice. Portions were surprising slick with a layer of slush transitioning to ice in spots. Lawyers road was even more tricky. Does not appear to have been treated since this morning and the traffic is compacting the slush and turning it to ice (currently 27F here). Was hard to get stopped to turn into our driveway. Amazing what a since inch can do around here. I grew up on Ohio and this would be a non-event.
  10. When will the soundings come out for DCA and IAD? Curious if they show the warm nose intruding.
  11. Thanks - Interesting - they bumped it up by an 1" for much of the forum within the last hour.
  12. NWS has the upper limit for several locations at 5". Realize this is likely not going to happen, but one of the locations in that category is the National Mall in DC. Rare.
  13. Snowing here now 1/2 mile NW of Vienna - at 40F (was 46 30 mins ago). We don't get that very often around here.
  14. Cold air inbound - it's 19F now at Garrett Co. Airport. Hard to see a warm nose survive the inbound air mass, but we are DC so anything is possible.
  15. Thanks for the pop Randy - anything is something, which is more than most of us have gotten for 2 years. Bring er home!
  16. Once again this week NOAA has more colors on their national map than a box of 64 Crayola... https://www.weather.gov (64 Crayola was what ever lad in elementary wanted when I was a young-in)
  17. I'm reading it as... the warmer the SST's (Sea Surface Temps) the moisture for the L to tap into, which the arctic air on our side of the front will wring out as sn+
  18. Just about finished here... .96" for the day and temp stayed at 36 +/- 1 degree all day. If only...
  19. Damn... .73" of rain so far and still at 36F. If only...
  20. Heaviest.... RAIN so far now. .58" and pouring out.
  21. Pouring rain here - ,33" so far - at 35F sigh...
  22. 36 and light rn here NW of Vienna - good luck to those to the NW....
  23. Yup - I had hopes you'd get at least some mood flakes on the front end too. Regrets.
  24. Was at 29 when I went to bed at 0300 - 33 now. Blah. Had hopes for at least a dusting on the front end but per the norm around here the only color outside is brown. When caveats started getting into the discussion a week ago, it reminded me of our motto for these parts "when everything has to be perfect to get SN, if one variable is out of whack our chances to score are significantly reduced". Good luck to the NW crew, hope you score something.
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