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Everything posted by RDM

  1. Light graupel in Vienna a few mins ago. The event is so rare even the auto-spell checker here does not recognize the word. lol
  2. Indeed. There's a book about the '78 blizzard too. Someone here brought it to my attention several years ago so I bought a copy. Brought back lots of memories. My hometown about 12 miles N of Dayton (where Ohio gets really flat) was essentially isolated for several days until the plows and blowers could get through the drifts on a couple of routes into/out of town. It was getting ugly when the one grocery store in town sold out of everything edible.
  3. My father grew up just outside of Dubuque, Iowa and often talked about that storm. His family was running out of coal and his dad took their two Belgian draft horse to get coal with a large wood sled. Said his dad almost didn't make it home because the horses were exhausted and stopped about a half mile from the house. He took them across the fields because most of the snow blew off in the wind. He managed to get the horses back to the barn or the horses would have froze to death in the cold and wind. They lived on High Ridge Road in Joe Davies Co. Illinois. The "High Ridge" name for the road was because it was the highest road around, with nothing to block the wind. Said it howled for days and was the only storm he ever encountered that was on par with the mid-west blizzard of 78, which we lived through in Ohio. That is the one I'll never forget because of the wind. We had drifts 20+ feet high too. Many roads were closed for weeks until the snowblowers from Dayton Airport and Wright Patterson AFB came out to dig through the drifts.
  4. Blizzard Warning up now for WVA - regrets if this was already posted.
  5. .48" in a few mins - the most rain in months. Temp dropped from mid 60's to 48 now - in less than an hour. Not bad.
  6. .24" so far from round 1. Round 2 looks inbound in a couple hours.
  7. Yes - worked outside all afternoon yesterday on a retaining wall project (160k lbs of 82lb prefab concrete blocks). It was almost cool in the shade but the physical labor make it feel great. Much better than a couple of months ago trying to do the same in the 90's and humidity. Going out again shortly for another round of "exercise".
  8. Yup - was working outside all day yesterday on a retaining wall project. When the breeze picked up periodically a big oak in our front yard was shedding a lot. A couple maples too. Was almost Fall-like.
  9. Wind picked up here for about 15 mins - just a slight breeze now.
  10. Watch extended eastward to cover I-81. A lot of purples in the returns down my Elkins. Front Royal looks to get into the action in a bit. Will it hold together to support the HRRR?
  11. Interesting chart - thanks for sharing High Risk. Assume because there is a valid date for the map, it takes into account recent precip, soil type, terrain etc - yes? Just curious. Don't recall seeing that map before.
  12. Based on radar returns the last band is passing through now. About .72" yesterday and .87" today so far. Not bad. Could have been better. Congrats to those who cashed in.
  13. .94" In the last 25mins. Some gusty winds in the outflow to ~30mph
  14. Rain-X really helps a lot with visibility in down-pours. Seriously. Been using it since the early 80's.
  15. Bright blue sky here with hardly any clouds overhead. Can see the line popping up to the NW. Getting active along the BR and 81
  16. Humm "down" to 92/70dp. Interesting drop in dp the last couple of hours. There was a rather stout derecho across Ohio this afternoon. Looked to be strengthening as it approached WVA, but in the last couple of frames of the radar it appears to be loosing punch.
  17. 97/78dp now on my Vantage VUE. 114.5F on the HI scale. NWS just expanded the Heat Watch further west.
  18. 94/78dp here - that's 110 on the HI scale Justifies the Excessive Heat Watch (EHW) - Seems they would make it a warning now? NWS already posted EHW's for tomorrow and Tuesday. Had one of our AC's serviced on Friday. The HVAC technician said they've been swamped. (No surprise - tough job in these conditions)
  19. Meant to say 89F with a dp of 81. As I was typing the dp went up even more. Yuk.
  20. 89F with a dp of 80. First time I recall having a dp of 81 here. Routine when we lived in Bangkok and Japan, but not here. HI of around 108 already. Going to be a toasty day.
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