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Everything posted by RDM

  1. Finally getting some sn+ after all these hours... If only it had snowed like this for the full 36 hours. Or even half that, but that's being greedy...
  2. ctrl-c -> ctrl-v from the last observation (cut-n-paste). Repeat of the same ole stuff in our neighborhood ever since the lull kicked in yesterday morning... pixie dust. Congrats to those to are getting dumped on.
  3. Just walked down our 500' driveway to Lawyers Road NW of Vienna. In the 5 mins walking to the street and back it was pixie dust when I left the house, turned to sleet for a min or two and then transitioned to what appears to be freezing drizzle. 28/28dp. The precipitation never completely stopped since 3pm and in those 6 hours has racked up the additional grand total of about 1/2". At least it's white...
  4. The sky has lightened up a lot here over the last hour - pixie dust at best most of the time with intermittent sn-
  5. About a 1/2" so far here just NW of Vienna. Coming down nicely. 28F/27dp
  6. 55.7" I know it's a clown map, but geese.... Anything close to that would be cataclysmic. Would that be a new category in the MECS, HECS, BECS hierarchy? A CECS? Cataclysmic East Cost Storm...
  7. Temp and dp rising slow but steady. Up to 28/20dp from 26/14 a couple hours ago. RH up to 71%. Radar rapidly filling in just SW of Roanoke.
  8. 28/14 here NW of Vienna. Bone dry outside. Let's hope the HRRR is onto something with the stall Monday. This could be epic...
  9. Yes - Valentine's Day 2007 sleet fest. Will never forget it. Was the most sleet I've ever seen. It started on the 13th and the sleet poured all night. Our flight the morning of the 14th from Dulles for Tokyo and then on to Bangkok was one of the first to leave IAD that morning after the airport reopened. They only had 1 of the 4 runways open. We moved to Bkk that morning. When the taxi van finally showed up at the Intercon in Tyson's to pick us up with our 8 large suitcases, there was a near riot as 15 other people got the futile impression they were going to compete with us for the taxi.
  10. We're a little over 12 hours from the onset. For the those in the know, for a storm like this with the forecast long duration and complexities involved, if you had one model at your disposal to analyze and hug, which one would it be?
  11. @Bob Chill... A sincere welcome back. Our beloved forum can be whole again. Always felt like something was missing during your hiatus and the cumulative comments show how much your respected here. That said, totally relate to your narrative as to why you took the sebatical etc. Congrats on the positive results and may deform band pay you a visit here soon.
  12. Don't forget the CECS (Catastrophic East Coast Storm) - arguably before or after BECS.
  13. Just came in from outside. Just a few flakes, but it is sn- - Could almost count them, but they were there.
  14. Can relate to what you mean about the synoptics of weather. Have relatives who live in Pecos, TX who comment about having more or less 2 seasons in the year. I lived in India and Thailand during a couple of stints overseas in my career. In both locations it is either very warm or unbearably hot, and not much else. India had a touch of winter for a few weeks each year when we'd get frost at night. In Thailand, the only hint of "winter" was when the day-time highs were in the 70's. The Thai were freezing with winter coats on while I was for once not sweating like a pig. In both locations the lack of having 4 seasons left the constant feeling that something was missing. Nice to visit areas with out the full effects of all 4 seasons, but want nothing to do with living there permanently.
  15. A far wiser investment and one that would be the gift that keeps on giving, year after year. And the giving part would likely be more than just snow. Can think of a slower pace of life, lower cost of living,... probably a longer list than meets the eye. Have a couple colleagues who are from Maine and a couple more who either have cabins there or have retired there. They love the peace and solitude.
  16. Was watching some Tim Conway and Harvey Norman on Youtube and got to thinking... (and there's no correlation to this at all other than idle thoughts). If we could pay for snow, how much would we be willing to pay? For say... a foot? 2? 3? or more? I'd pay $1000 for 2 feet and not think twice about it. Probably pay $5k for 4' Of course I'd have to hide the Visa bill from my wife. Any other "bids" out there?
  17. Been 34 here the last several hours and now down to 33, and of course... rain... sigh...
  18. PSU - that's hilarious and very coincidental as our exchange student (Luis) asked the same thing. Well, he didn't say it outright because his limited English prevent getting anything close to a complex thought out. What he did was point to a picture of Santa and asked if Santa is here - in Ohio. He was shaking so much from the combination of jet lag, fright, cold and sheer terror we thought he was going to pass out. And that was just from the walk off the plane into the terminal. When we walked outside the terminal to the parking lot he almost went into convulsions. Don't remember how cold it was at the time, maybe teens or 20's, which was normal for Ohio back then.
  19. Haha - get ready Stormtracker. The potential experience for you and your relative reminds me of the Brazilian foreign exchange student we had stay with my family 6 months when I was in HS in Ohio. When he arrived in Feb of 77 the ONLY word of English he spoke was "COLD". The look in his eyes when he got off the plane spoke of sheer terror as he'd never contemplated such a hellish cold environment could exist. The extent of his winter clothes was a light weight sweater, so our first trip was to the local mall to buy him a winter coat. (He'd never seen a mall either). He stuck it out, but I'll never forget the look on his face when he got off the plane.
  20. Sadly you're right... We don't have enough fun anymore. (tic) A few bad eggs who take things too far ruin things for everyone. Happy New Year.
  21. Same here. Remember visiting my dad's family in Colorado Springs, CO in 72 for July 4th. Our uncle placed two Silver Salutes under a wash tub, which failed to achieve the desired elevation after liftoff. So he put two M-8-'s under the wash tub and proceeded to blow it into the top of a nearby tree trailing a nice plume of smoke. Then he had to find a way to get it out of the tree as our grandma laughed like crazy watching 3 of her grown sons (including our dad) play with potentially lethal fireworks. That night we had a pop bottle rocket war between our family at grandma's house and the neighbor's across the street. That only stopped when a rocket came in grandma's front door and exploded in the entry-way, to the tune of hysterics by everyone. Those were the good ole days...
  22. Same here NW of Vienna. Someone not too far away is lighting off some big boomers. Sounds like M-80 material or bigger. The cloud deck helps enhance the effect...
  23. ROTFLMAO - That's how I felt during the Christmas rainmaggedon when we were at 33F the whole *&!@# day. Have to ask, how many decimal places do you have pi memorized? Happy New Year.
  24. Thanks much, I'll see your bump and raise you a bump.
  25. 99 pages of December banter. Will we hit 100 before someone starts the new thread for Jan 2021??? (Then we can all rejoice and say good riddance to 2020!!!)
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