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Everything posted by RDM

  1. Yup - we're quickly closing in on 1" here on Lawyers Rd just NW of Vienna. sn to sn+ atm
  2. Sn/grauple here - stuck my arm outside and many of the "flakes" were bouncing off my arm. A few samples in my hand are crusty. Interesting stuff.
  3. CWG updated their forecast and moved the 1-3" line further N a tad. Boom in that zone is 3-5". For most of the rest of us, they are calling for 1-2" with a 2-4" boom
  4. The coldest I've ever experienced in my 63+ years is -38F - in N. Dakota. Everyone carried two sets of car keys because they had to leave their cars running when going somewhere or they'd never get them to start again in the cold. Was normal to see a parking lot full of cars and trucks running while everyone had dinner. Temperatures that cold do strange things to metal and mechanical machinery. We were lucky our Beechcraft started again when it was time to depart, after thawing out with a preheater for several hours. Don't ever care to repeat it. Growing up in Ohio, one year we didn't get above freezing the entire month of Jan. (don't remember the year, think it was Jan 77 when DC got hit hard). The frost line went down 5 feet that year, which cracked foundations and caused mayhem with water mains. One of the worse jobs I've ever witnessed was those poor guys down in the bottom of trenches repairing busted water mains in -20+F weather. They had to thaw the frozen ground with blow torches and slowly skim away the thawed ground with backhoes and jackhammers to reach the busted pipes. Will never forget the look on their faces...
  5. Just saw your message now. Thanks for what you and your team do/did for Lawyers and the surrounding neighborhoods. Don't want to appear ungrateful, just wonder what sort of training the road crews get on plowing? Sad to say one or more of the plow drivers made a mess of the intersection of Lawyers and Garrett. Plowed everything from Lawyers onto Garrett and then turned around and departed, leaving a 2'+ berm of snow all the way across Garrett - essentially closing Garrett. I happened upon it just when the plow driver did a u-turn and departed the intersection to head back w-bound on Lawyers (white F-450). I cleaned up the mess with my Kubota to reopen Garrett.
  6. Indeed. I've been up since 0500am Sun mornning - worked outside most of the day and then on my Kubota to transition it from construction mode (Loader and Backhoe for a retaining wall project) to winter mode - cab, heater and snowblower or blade. Been a long day but can't quite muster the common sense to go to bed. It's really ripping here now at 26F. FFCO is plowing Lawyers Road already with barely an inch on the asphalt. Guess if you have a budget and charge codes they have to use it.
  7. Just went for a Jebwalk. It's outstanding outside now. The cool muted effect of fresh snow the muffles all sound. Closing in on an inch here already and it's likely approaching 1"/hr or more. Time for a few hours shut-eye before the anticipation of "how much" wakes us up again...
  8. Started here NW of Vienna about 00:15. Starting to pick up now... Crossing my fingers for everyone in the forum to cash in with this one. We're due...
  9. Noooo wayyyy !!! Those things are hideous. Right up there with the AMC Pacer and Matador as most ugly vehicles ever made. (sorry for the banter).
  10. Been getting my arsenal of equipment ready to do battle.
  11. Does anyone have an updated cross section of the "warm nose" graph posted last night? Curious what the latest is on how far north the sleet is going to go. This was last night - regret I forgot who posted it.
  12. Interesting - checked out the NWS projections in KS - see a blob of 12-18". Drove through Kansas in 1972 after a big dump of snow and then ice. Nothing to stop the wind out there. Roads were a disaster.
  13. PSU - thanks for posting that. Hope it is right. It's 10:1. If the temps stay in the 20's for much of the region, we should see more like 12:1 or more, which could up the ante further. Time for bed. Not many of us left up at this ungodly hour. Thanks for all your contributions here on the forum.
  14. Why? I thought forecasting is like my German and Japanese. The drunker I am the better I speak em. The drunker you are the better your pbp. Don't let up now!
  15. Great shot - just came in from working outside. We had 3 claps of thunder here NW of Vienna in the first band (regrets if this was already reported). Today was a great precursor to Monday.
  16. Thank you Yoda. I leave for an hour and come back to hopefully see a lot more about the inbound snow, p-type and how much IMBY... Instead there's an endless diatribe about geography nonsense that should be in banter. Geeze gang - it's going to snow. Cut it out.
  17. Worked in my garage all day with the large door open. Was great. But what happened to the "heavy rain" forecast for this evening as recently as yesterday. Major bust with that one.
  18. If only I could remember what it was like when I was 35. My age is quickly approaching the autobahn speed equivalent. Been tracking weather since mid-60's - built my first Heathkit weather station in the early 70's, back when it really got cold. Keeping fingers crossed the upcoming period in early Jan resurrects faith from the Mid-Atlantic faithful in the standards for SECS, MECS, HECS and even BECS.
  19. Up to 33 now here NW of Vienna. Driveway immediately went from a little ice to just wet. Sigh....
  20. CWG is showing rn/sn/sleet for Sunday in their "At-a-glance forecast" If only...
  21. Murphy strikes again... Heat in the house went out yesterday evening. Kept things reasonable overnight with a couple portable IR and radiant heaters. Down to 64 inside the house now. Just fired up the fireplace insert with wood I split this morning. (Locust burns great). The ONE time I don't have any firewood split and the heat goes out. Split about a half cord this morning to get through until the technician can get here to troubleshoot the heater controls.
  22. Worked outside on a retaining wall project all day. Was great having a few mood flakes around to accompany the awesome temps in the low 30's. Love "cold" days in the 20's and 30's while doing manual labor outside. Have about 45k lbs of prefab concrete block installed so far. Only 120k lbs more to go...
  23. In most of FFCO that storm was a sleet fest. about 6 inches of it. Took place most of 13 Feb and overnight into the morning of 14 Feb. Will never forget it. My family and I moved to Bangkok that morning. IAD was closed but we still had to check out of our hotel in Tysons and take our chances. Eventually IAD opened and our flight to Tokyo was the first international flight to depart, albeit 2 hours late, which meant we missed our connecting flight from NRT to BKK. It was hell getting a taxi (van) to pick us up at the Intercon big enough to accommodate the three of us and our 8 bags.
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