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Everything posted by RDM

  1. You can see the fetch just starting to develop over NW Kansas. Been in a front range upslope event in the Springs back in the late 60's. Was amazing experience as a youngster.
  2. Nice job on the map Mappy. Appreciate the effort. Good to get a frame of reference on who is where across the forum.
  3. IVO 38 54' 51" N and 77 17' 39" W
  4. In reference to weird things happening on airplanes... Got on a flight from Lahore to Islamabad, Pakistani on PIA airlines back in the early 90's. Was a 737 and the emergency placard said, in multiple languages "If you cannot read this card please notify a cabin attendant" Yes, that is right... If I could not read the card I was supposed to notify a cabin attendant. ( I was sitting in an emergency exit row over a wing and the placard was the extra special one for emergency exit seats. I've traveled to over 80 countries, so I've seen a lot of bizarre things on flights. Like the goat that was tied to the arm rest on another PIA flight the next year. ) So, I did the dutiful thing and pushed the cabin attendant call button next to the non-functioning air vent thingy near the reading light. The cabin attendant came a running to see what was wrong (I was one of the few caucasians on the flight). I held up the placard and asked her if the statement was true. She looked at me dumbfounded and asked "do you mean to tell me you cannot read English?" I informed her I was quite versed in the language and a couple others. She asked "then what is the problem?". I looked at her again and said, with an augmented tone to my voice that conveyed nonchalant overtones... "If I cannot read, how can I possibly know that I must contact you?" At that moment the weight of the world fell upon her shoulders as she realized the lunacy contained on the card. She could hardly control herself as the thought of this new found knowledge and ran back up the aisle to the front bulkhead to share this profound information with her colleagues. They all burst out laughing so hard they were in tears when 3 of them returned with the purser to convey appreciation on behalf of PIA for bringing this to their attention. (I cannot make this up - it really happened, just like that).
  5. 28F here just NW of Vienna - up a degree in the last hour. Still a steady freezing drizzle. Just came in from checking Lawyers Road in front of our house. It's an ice skating rink with interlaced wet spots. Even with all the salt they dumped today, walking on the treated asphalt is a delicate endeavor. Difficult to differentiate the wet spots from the black ice. Tomorrow morning is not going to be fun around here for those who can't WFH.
  6. Just got back home near Vienna. Got called into work late morning out by IAD. The sleet had just about stopped when I left home and the side roads were meahhh... but definitely passable. The toll road and 28 were mainly just wet with some strips here and there, and still are. The issues were ramps to and from the toll road and 28 and side roads. The ramps were barely cleared in places. At side intersections the plow drivers just plowed across the intersection creating thick berms of snow that would be difficult to negotiate, especially for smaller vehicles. In "normal" areas of the US that routinely get snow they have 2 teams of plows. One team of larger trucks that does the main plowing and a second team of smaller more maneuverable plows that follow the main teams and clean up the intersections. Of course that seems to be an absent concept in the WMA. Got behind one plow train on 28 and it was obvious many of the plow drivers have not have much training or experience. Growing up in Ohio the plow drivers got a lot of practice every winter. Suspect many of the plow drivers around here have not been as fortunate. On the way home there was another plow train waiting along the side of the road near the main Toll plaza by IAD. There were more plows than there were vehicles on the toll road. Just sitting... waiting... and getting paid... to wait...
  7. It's pouring here at 34F. $#@%^&* RAIN!!! .37" already, most of it in the last 30 mins. Solid line of yellow and red returns on NWS radar all the way to SC and OTS. The way it's training, would not be surprised if Sterling puts up some special stmts. Edit - Flood Warnings already popping up in central VA.
  8. Indeed. Don't think we've seen that level of concern 5 days out with any of the systems thus far this year. Have we?
  9. Indeed that is beyond extreme. Have relatives down in Corpus Christi and Beeville. They are not prepared for that kind of stuff. Could be a cataclysmic event for much of the southern half of the state.
  10. Know those hills on Guinea well from our time in W. Spfld. Lawyers road where we live is somewhat similar envioronment and atm treacherous. The fzrn coating as a base for the sleet is going to compound things. Based on the looks of the radar and the inbound precip field, this has the potential to over perform up here. Either way, would rather have the sleet than fzrn - far fewer power outages.
  11. Just got home from work. On the drive from Dulles to home just outside of Vienna I encountered sn, sleet, rain and graupel. Temp went from 36 near Dulles to 32 at home. (The thermometer in our car is pretty accurate). Driveway and sideway at home is starting to cave and the street is about to start.
  12. Maybe they don't like the upslope effects and more snow? Is that even possible? Was it used on the listings for the properties as a plus? Does the sn value increase the county assessment for taxes? Sorry, too many questions and I've digressed. Hope the remaining band sets up over you. For all you contribute here you are among the most worthy.
  13. Hi Yoda, I think we may have exchanged notes about this a few years ago - can't remember. In W-Spfld we lived right behind the Cary Building and the middle school on Ole Keene Mill near Carleigh Pkwy. We lived there 5 years from 97 until 2002 when we went overseas. When we came back in NOVA in 2005 we moved to Vienna for a couple of reasons. Then finally moved again to where we are now just NW of Vienna. Just a little better climate here being N of 66 and every bit helps! haha Enjoy the snow! We all needed this and snow is snow! Take care, Rob
  14. Yup - can relate to the same thing. Used to live in W. Spfd near Old Keene Mill and Rolling and saw the effects you are talking about there. Now we're at 385' asl just NW of Vienna. Even though Tyson's is near 500' they often get reduced by the heat island effect. A little further to the east and Falls Church often gets 2-3" when we get 4-5". Just little to the west and a little higher and away from the concrete helps a lot, especially when on the margins.
  15. These flakes are not aggregates. They are conglomerates! Amazing. Can see the rate of decent decrease with the size.
  16. Woke up at 0600 w/rain just NW of Vienna. Woke up again at 0720 with sn+. Wasted .14" with the rain. Temp down to 32 now and ripping. Approaching 1" already. Reminds me of the Nov 1987 event that caused chaos around DC. This is going to look spectacular in a couple of hours the way it's sticking to everything.
  17. 37/28 here just outside Vienna. Lot of thunderstorms training over GA and Nrn FL.
  18. Yup - you can tell in that horse's eyes he knows he's gona be holding furniture together in the near future. Reminds me of living in India. Used to go to the market there to buy chicken... It was an unworldly experience. The seller had a bunch of rickety cages packed with chickens, a 2 foot curved blade sticking up between his knees, a pit on one side of him and a boiling pot of water on the other side... Those chickens knew that every time the gate to the cage was opened one of them was going to have a bad day. As soon as the owner started to reach for the gate they all scampered to the back of the cage. They had the same look in their eyes as the horse - they knew what was coming next. In one fell swoop the owner would grab a chicken, pull him out, run him up the blade, the head when one way into a basket and the chicken was shucked into the pit to run around thumpty thumpty thump until he was run out. The owner would then throw the chicken into the pot of water for a good boiling while the rest of the chickens remaining in the cage enjoyed the temporary reprieve from the inevitable. About 5 mins later I was on my way with my fresh, cleaned, and plucked chicken. All the while, the remains of the chicken was running out a hole in the bottom of the pit, around the side of the vendor's stall and out the back where the pigs were doing what pigs do, before their time came to become pork. Mind you, the words here don't convey the smell. I can still smell it 25 years later...
  19. Rgr that - gotta push the envelop sometimes. When I read the offer of the option the other day to keep it casual or start a storm thread I cringed, but thought - "ok, let's see how this goes". Haha... well, the rest is... glue.
  20. Laughing out loud here... That's a classic Randy! Could be the start of a new meme. Most don't know where hide glue comes from. Been around for thousands of years...
  21. What the heck is going on in the main Storm Thread? Way too many posts that are straight up banter. Many of the posters need to read more, post less and/or move it here. Especially a select few who are not getting the hints from several others trying to keep things proper. If someone wants to just be a Deb, avoid being a dweeb and bring here. In the end, most everyone here is going to get at least SOME snow! One would think that would be the grounds for some more positive atmospherics!
  22. Ummmm - looks great. For someone from Ohio you really cook a large variety of cuisines. bon apatite
  23. Good grief. That's indeed one heck of an odd one. Look at that laminar flow that covers nearly the entire latitude of CONUS.
  24. We wish you were still here with us Jeb. When you going to move back??? Even though you are way out there in TX, it's great to have you join in...
  25. Pouring SN+ here. Picked up about a 1/2" in the last 15-20 mins. Band is training from NNE to SSW along I-95 over MOCO, FFCO and PWCO
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