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Everything posted by RDM

  1. A quick .41" in about 20 mins from two downpours. Rather uneventful. DP is still 76. Yuck
  2. Lots of T&L just NW of us and quickly darkening from the cell over northern FFCO .
  3. Just picked up a quick .46" out of the small cell moving through FFCO. Popped up around Ashburn and is moving SE towards the beltway. Few claps of thunder too.
  4. Just came back from the grocery in Vienna. It's like soup outside. 72F/71dp here. Yuck...
  5. RDM

    Winter 2021-22

    That looks like the inside of my computer in India after it took a +400V spike down the ground leg one evening. Needless to say it was toast...
  6. 2.30" so far here NW of Vienna. Lawyers road is likely closed again. Hunter Mill may also be closed. This amount is around the normal threshold for closure. Looks like the western fringe is starting to pivot through.
  7. Spot on. Very strange. We were missed the deluge of multiple rounds of t-storms over a 2+ week period. Finally got a good gully washer Friday night, with the 70mph winds that came with that round and "1.80. Last night we got .32" while less than 2 miles away got nailed. Sorry to hear about your bsmt. Hope the recovery goes well. From the looks of things for this week, more on the way this week. Parts of Alexandria are interesting and prone to flooding anyway. Throw in the rates last night and that made it even worse. Saw a report of someone getting 3" in 30 mins. That's like Bangkok during a tropical event - amazing experience.
  8. Can attest to the wind damage. This was one of the most intense events we've had IVO our house NW of Vienna since the derecho (which I missed while in Ohio). The gusts were easily in excess of 60. Our front yard looks like a war zone now. Lots of entire trees and large limbs down all around. Lost power with no ETA for restoration of service. Received 1.58" so far. Needed the rain, but not like this.
  9. Rub it in... haha. We can't buy a drop. Got .08" the other morning - only thing we've received from the sky the last 2 weeks other than cicada nymphs.
  10. Oh my... - your explanation with the tension on the rod really drove the point home (no pun intended - well... sort of). Look on the bright side relative to the idea your gf "knows I'm an idiot"... At least you got that part of the relationship behind you already. All of us men are cursed with having the Y chromosome... haha. Thus, it's a forgone conclusion by those without the Y (all women) that all men are idiots.
  11. That sounds just awful. Hope you were heavily sedated to fend of the effects. (IPA or similar...). Reminds me of the time my brother shagged me in my back when casting. Thankfully he had the drag set low on a spinner reel and it didn't dig in too deep. Although that didn't help much at the time. Love the "lunker" snowfan caught. The mouth on that bass is about as big as the fish.
  12. Same here re the concrete. Transplanted a magnolia the other day and was too lazy to put the backhoe on my Kubota. Thought I'd just get some exercise with the manual shovel. Geeze - even with my 275lbs of flab standing on the shovel with both feet it was difficult to get any depth. Had to resort to the good ole pick-axe to break through. It was dry as a bone down 2 feet too with nary a hint of moisture. The poplars in our back yard are starting to drop leaves. We only managed .10" from the fringe of yesterday's coastal which didn't help.
  13. RDM

    Winter 2021-22

    Indeed. As you approach Frostburg the whole scene can change, as does the flora. Then closer to the exit for Deep Creek Lake at Keyers Ridge it can change again and in a big way. Some of those ridge tops out there can be brutal in Winter. Guess that's why the population density is so low up on the ridge tops. The winds can be relentless. Always thought it would be an interesting gig to be a snow-plow driver out there sometime. Probably one of those things we only want to do once...
  14. RDM

    Winter 2021-22

    Really nice map. Pretty amazing how the plateau rises just west of Cumberland, MD to the west. Driven home to Ohio countless times over the last 35 years via Rt-68 to 79 and the climb westward out of Cumberland is always interesting in the winter time. The change in climate is stark. Closer to DC the fall line is clearly outlined as well. Thanks for sharing...
  15. The storms yesterday split and went east and west of us here in Vienna. The storms Wednesday evening split us N and S. Only managed .24" over the last week with abundant T&L all around. Amazing to get missed so much on all sides...
  16. Finally some rain,,, and enough to prompt the "Raining Cats and Dogs" message on our Vantage VUE... Haven't had that for several weeks.
  17. Cool - Went to West End rather frequently. Good to know you enjoyed the softball too. I was the first non-Indian to win the fast-pitch batting title. Batted .610 my first year/season, but only .408 the second year. The Indians were really good at both slow and fast pitch in all positions; especially their pitching. Never played fast-pitch before going there and was amazing at their skills. Ravi Kumar, Madan Ram, and a couple others were stars. In slow pitch, we used unlimited arc with a strike mat behind home plate. Madan Ram could throw it 40 feet up and pick the corners. Strike outs were very common. Was just checking out Google Earth and it looks like starting in June 2020 and going through at least May 2021 the softball field was used as a staging area for construction. Appears as though they are rebuilding the entire housing compound and ACSA. Would be interesting to see first-hand what they are doing. The frisbee golf "course" was just a series of "holes" we setup after one especially intoxicating happy hour at ACSA (don't ask...). The 18 holes started at apt 48 on the housing compound and just worked our way around the housing compound, over to the American school and back. For instance, the 4th hole was to tee off from home plate on the softball field and then hit the distance sign in center field - was a par 3. Then T off on the sidewalk in front of the main entrance doors to ACSA and hit the double doors on the boiler room in the back of GSA - was a par 4. Had a couple par 5's over at the American school because there was more distance to play with. We all had to use the same Indian style frisbee we purchased at Khan Market so nobody had an advantage. They were pieces of crap wrt a real Frisbee here in the USA, but that made for half of the fun. Was a way to pass the time on Saturday's, especially in the Summer when most of the families cleared out for R&R. We played every Saturday no matter the weather. T off was noon sharp and the temps were often 120F+. Then monsoons came in and we still played. The downpours made for some interesting throws. Good memories.
  18. Lived there 92-95. Lived in Vasant Vihar just outside of outer Ring Road. Amazing experienced. Lots of memories of ACSA and the movie theater too. Played a lot of softball there - both slow and fast-pitch. Had a nice 18 hole frisbee golf course setup too. 9 holes on the housing compound at the Embassy and 9 holes at the American School out the back gate. The player with the highest score on a hole had to carry the beer cooler to the next hole. The more you carried the more you drank to lighten the load the worse you threw. haha.
  19. Bone dry here. Missed the multiple rounds of the last storms over the weekend by less than a mile (or whenever it was). Haven't had any appreciable rain here for 10+ days.
  20. Spontaneous combustion is a big issue in the midwest farm belt too. It's why one never puts green/wet hay or alfalfa in the barn. It's a good way to burn your barn down. My dad actually helped fight a barn fire in Switzerland of all places in 1981. They put wet alfalfa in the barn and it lit up on its own. (Dad was a volunteer for 60+ years and in the first class of paramedics in Ohio).
  21. Same here NW of Vienna. Lots of T&L with the first system around lunch time, which went N of us. Same with this 2nd round. Was outside mowing and had about 8 drops come down. The ground here is parched...
  22. Yea - those monsoon rains were some of the most intense I've ever seen. Would just pour for hours with intense rates. Not a lot of lightning in Delhi other than one time I'll never forget, but the storms in Bangkok were sometimes very electrified. The one unforgettable storm in Delhi had so much lightning the sky was constantly lit up for about 2 hours as the storm barely crawled through. Was a major calamity for the city. Lots of people in the Embassy lost their cars and major property damage throughout the area, to a population that can largely least afford it.
  23. Just checked my Vantage Vue - 92F and 82dp and 71rh? Really? That's a heat index of about 113F. That's in the tropical realm. Brings back memories of Bangkok and New Delhi during monsoon season.
  24. Haha - with my luck, I'd kill that too! As it is, I have to pick up rocks in our yard every spring that are exposed from frost heave.
  25. Awwww come-on man! We can't ever ever give up... ever... (tic) I have faith in your persistence to ID the secret so the rest of us can benefit from it...
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