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Everything posted by RDM

  1. Remember that storm well. Lived in the purple area at the time. Got 17". Took my colleague and I seven hours to get home to Lorton from downtown DC. Had to pull pine trees off the Mt. Vernon Pkwy by having 13 people pile into and on top of his Isuzu Trooper for weight. Very memorable experience. The thundersnow was intense.
  2. PSU, yes - very interested - with a suggestion. The Zoom sessions you did before were great. Nice balance of discussion and science. Don't break what isn't broken, to include the threshold used before on when the threat warrants a discussion. Believe many/most here would agree you have the expertise and respect on the forum to make the call.
  3. Was just looking at the returns ivo Dover. Quite a line slowly run NE to SW slowly migrating to the S. Behind it are some really funky returns. One of the scans almost looks like a golf course map.
  4. Remember that one too. Think it was Kate. Moved here in Aug 1985 from Ohio and had a couple that brought rain and some power outages to the DELMARVA.
  5. 45 here NW of Vienna. Feels great outside.
  6. Indeed - soupy outside. 76F/74dp here. Just came in from working outside on our daughter's car. Wasn't bad when we started but, had to roll it into the ac in the garage.
  7. Indeed - inbound precip is heading SE. Check out the returns over NJ. One level of precip is heading NE and another layer in the same general area is headed West.
  8. A whopping .02" so far today....
  9. Poplar spits easy, but is a very soft wood. It burns hot, but burns fast too. I have a good supply of black locust from several downed trees on our property. Locust is classified as a very hard wood on the scale. About the only think harder we have domestically is pear and osage orange. Tried to split osage orange long ago with my dad's splitter - don't ever try it. The twisted grain makes it nearly impossible to split. Locust burns great - has the highest heat content of any wood in N. America. Splits great too - is why the old timers used locust for split rail fences. And, it won't rot if left unspilt on it's side until you get around to splitting it. Electric log splitters are ok for small stuff, but they have significant limitations compared to gas. Built my log splitter nearly 40 years ago for my senior project in engineering school. Splits wood in both directions with a sliding double wedge to avoid the unproductive return cycle on most hydraulic splitters. Have 25 tons of force on the out stroke and 17 in the return stroke. It will work 4 men to death trying to keep up with it. The axle is off a B-52 APU and the main I-beam is galvanized steel from an electric sub-station (don't ask how I got those components). Still runs great after nearly 40 years.
  10. What a spectacular day! Currently 70/61dp. Trimmed our yard for 2 hours, cut the grass for another hour, then installed a new tranny mount in my 91 Silverado with the garage door open and AC turned off. Sheer bliss!
  11. Yea - suspect you're right. The cells out around Elkins and Clarksburg looked pretty active 30 mins ago and the lightening strikes were pretty strong, but the last several frames make it look like they are losing their punch.
  12. 1.78" so far today. Based on Sterling Radar returns from the line ivo of Winchester, there's more inbound.
  13. Got a very quick 1.66" here NW of Vienna. Lawyer's road is closed in two places near our home - typical when we get rain ivo 1.50"/hr or more. Local family lost a son in a flash flood about 10 years ago a few hundred yard from our home. Same culvert is overrun by water with people still driving through. FFCO FD swift water rescue was disputed about 30 mins ago for a white water rescue on Lawyers Rd. Hunter Mill Rd is a zoo with traffic lights out in multiple locations flashing red 4-way. People don't know how to negotiate an intersection with 4way flashing red lights... sigh.
  14. haha - yea, I hear ya. Cut my previous yard for years with a push mower and mowed yards for pocket change when I was a teenager - know what you mean. I mow 1-1/2 acres now. Mowed it with my ole 1962 Gravely walk behind for a while, but it can't compete with a diesel Kubota and 60 inch deck with a cup holder.
  15. Indeed. Just finished cutting the grass. 90/81 here. Fortunate to have a canopy on my tractor to provide some shade.
  16. Unfortunately, according to WTOP earlier this evening a 3rd of the 4 people struck in Lafeyette Park has also passed away and the 4th is in serious condition. Recall as well hearing from my dad growing up to never stand under a tree in a t-storm. Saw what happened to a small herd of cows who sought shelter under a tree on a nearby farm when I was about 6 - a lightening strike killed every one of them.
  17. 93/78 here... very soupy out there... (a highly technical term for Yuk)
  18. Well I'll be... That's interesting. The first NWS FFW post at 10:20 did not include FFCO, LOCO, PWCO, and several others. The time stamp for the FFW posting now is still 10:20, so Sterling must have gone back and edited the Watch again to add the extra counties. I'm really not imaging it... too early to drink. Or maybe I should start.
  19. Yea - that NOVA hole is odd - down to Fredericksburg. Everyone else to the N, W & E are in it...
  20. There is one now for most of the area except for FFCO, LOCO and a few other counties in NOVA.
  21. Only managed .22" last night. First line went just N of us, second line just S, then a line bloomed up just east of us and the last line went N again... Feel like Charlie Brown with the football, next time...
  22. We're getting dumped on here NW of Vienna. .46" in less than 15 mins - coming in waves.
  23. Yup Yoda - thanks for the check - my bad. I misread the forecast for tomorrow to be the observed for today. My bad. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=38.9243&lon=-77.3551&unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=graphical My Vantage Vue registered 98 though for a few mins. The large azaleas I transplanted IVO the outdoor unit may be creating elevated highs.
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