etudiant: Do you understand what it takes to get a scientific study published in a career-leading scientific journal? Do you understand the scientific ethics involved? if you are not a scientist with university-level qualifications and haven't completed a college curriculum that exposes students to the scientific method you wouldn't know how and why scientists work towards a consensus. Areas that can be analyzed and modelled become established scientific concepts over time. Areas of knowledge that are challenging to analyze leave room for opposing scientific theories. Regarding modern climatology, enough is settled to deserve consensus. Over 97% of the World's top scientific experts agree that anthropomorphic influences are inducing changes in the planet's land, air and water. These experts are referred to as scientists because they have the intelligence, training, ethics and experience to put forth the best possible version of reality, knowledge and the truth.
Unless you have superior intelligence, education, colleagues and insight and defer to experts with qualifications, you are deliberately drawing your thoughts from an inferior path. Knowing less, comprehending less and understanding less than accomplished scientists is an unwise but deliberate choice.