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Everything posted by WhiteoutMD

  1. At the rate it's stepping back from frozen this could be a non event come Friday maybe. Cold chasing moisture meh
  2. I just read that Joe Bastardi lost both his parents to COVID on Jan. 19.
  3. Everyone do edibles it seems to work and in the end no one will care. Sign me up .
  4. Annapolis side roads covered, grass covered, wind ever so slightly picking up and its 33 and snowing. I think Annapolis will have snow all night into tomorrow morning.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1204533033404504 For whatever it's worth-- 12PM FRIDAY STORM UPDATE.. A few of my thoughts and where we stand at the moment! More on twitter: www.twitter.com/mikemasco
  6. What's everyone think over or under 1 inch of snow from this in DC?
  7. agree almost tries to close off but then opens back up it was close
  8. Maybe I don’t watch news so can’t answer that. I just think most excepted a white rain event. Now it looks more robust. .
  9. I work in the education and no one is expecting 1-3 inches tomorrow its going to catch people off guard that is all.
  10. Let me rephrase the question for you. Why the delay? is it the lack of confidence at this time or are they just waiting for the noon daat to come in.
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