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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. Went out for a drive. Roads r pretty good already. Not a lot of shoppers at Lowe’s. got another inch since the last measure so im going to call it an even foot. Feels nice to get the long end of the stick for a change.
  2. pounding now. 10.5" otg So this is how a snowstorm works. who knew?
  3. 32/31 sn+ eyeballing 5” (can’t find the ruler) Sight for sore eyes
  4. NWS point forecast updated to 10-12". Oh how I pray. be happy with half that.
  5. F the Euro. My p&c is up to 9-15”. I’ll believe that when i see it.
  6. mid 40’s going into the event is not ideal but that being said, gotta have hope.
  7. Beautiful day out there and the forecast is promising. Fingers crossed.
  8. at least its something to track. I won't put stock into anything until snow is piling up the stake. Boring weather for sure but thankful for some sunshine. It was getting a bit depressing there.
  9. Headed to colorado this afternoon. Won’t be back until Monday night so you guys can lock in some snow for sunday night.
  10. It’s about as miserable as it gets outside. 36/35
  11. Down to 11f this morning. A bit surprised.
  12. 27f with exceedingly light snow falling. I’d love a real snowstorm as much as anyone, but have to be thankfull for what we got. Solid albeit shallow snow cover for a week. Look and feel of winter. Should last until Wednesday. Beats last season.
  13. Half inch here. At least it’ll wash the salt off the car.
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