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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. Interesting. In terms of traffic, I would think early Sunday morning, traffic will be less of an issue. There’s no way I’m getting her to leave at 5am. That would be ideal as she would get there before the onset even out there but that just isn’t going to happen with the college girl.
  2. It will be practically December when this thing gets cranking so hopefully we’ll be ok. i would also appreciate your all learned opinions. My daughter has to drive back to school in Ithaca on Sunday. I’m thinking, she should leave in the morning and maybe take 84 out to Scranton instead of 17 through the Catskills. Looking like it doesn’t start snowing here until later in the day but out there it starts in the morning. But I’m figuring 84 is bigger better than 17 and substantially south.
  3. .86” so far. Lovely day. So glad I’m going to the football game.
  4. Sugarbush bought by Alterra. No change to icon pass status this season.
  5. That’s so funny. I witnessed this very thing this morning. It was a huckleberry tree outside my kitchen. The leaves were completely green and full when I saw them coming down about 8am. Now wind, no other leaves falling. I noticed it happening and was intrigued as I had never seen it before. Took about 2 hours for the entire tree to be bare.
  6. If it’s past, it’s because they’re all dead already. Didn’t spare any by me. I have 2 more down and another 5-6 that are dead standing.
  7. Got down to 21f here. Beautiful out. wood from the dead ash trees burning nicely.
  8. Yes, that’s right. I think I fixed it the weekend before last. up to .59” on the day.
  9. Another lovely day in the valley. .28” overnight. 1.53” on the week, 2.27” for the month.
  10. 1.09” in the hopper. drove to Ithaca and back. Once in the Catskills and west, it was decidedly past peak. Still spectacular. Even if it’s an off season. Was pleasantly surprised that most of the drive home this afternoon was dry. Even had to put the sunglasses on a couple of times.
  11. This is my least favorite time of year to ride. Sticks, wet leaves and acorns that are like ball bearings.
  12. Rain sensor back online. .01” in the bucket.
  13. I noticed that too. When I left the house at 8, there were some leaves down and a few small branches, but I was expecting a lot more.
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