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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. from your mouth to gods ears. I was gazing wistfully at my snow board last night.
  2. added another tenth of an inch overnight.
  3. .46” here. Steady rain all day in the Bronx. Water pooling on the highway up to 287 then abruptly cut off with dry roadway north.
  4. It’s my fault, I neglected the gutters today. I did get a battery electric pole saw. Luv it. Went to town pruning. No limb within 15’ of the ground is sage.
  5. Jungle habitat was big thing back in the day. The parking lots are massive.
  6. Check out the old jungle habitat. That place was abandoned in the 80s and is downright spooky.
  7. I was on the Hudson today and the foliage was green with a little muted brown. Not exactly picture perfect.
  8. Calling it a day at 1.37”. Nice haul and nice win for the Yankees.
  9. Already close to an inch here. Welcome. Nice steady soaker.
  10. Exceptional color right now. I stupidly didn’t take any pictures. Nice day out there.
  11. Went biking yesterday and it is bone dry out there. Today seems like an opportune time to check the gutters.
  12. I was shocked driving up the taconic this afternoon to see many maples having turned yellow. All of a sudden.
  13. and humans like to complain. same people whining about the cold will be whining about the heat next time it gets warm. personally, I save my complaining for mud season and humidity. fwiw-wife went behind my back and turned the heat on in the bedroom last night. blasphemy.
  14. I’m considering 2020 over with the Jewish new year. Unsalvageable. I’d like to say it can only get better but I don’t want to jinx anything. on a bright note, did an antibody test when I got my stitches out and it came back positive. they also found incidentally on the chest X-ray a kidney stone. So I got that going for me.
  15. only .14" here yesterday. humidity dropping now but still 67dp.
  16. I'm not doctor either so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I figured since there's no joint involved, I'm not going to aggravate the injury by use and its just a matter of pain tolerance. That being said, I did tear my acl 9 years ago around the same time as a friend did. I started exercising on a stationary bike a few days post injury and again a few days post surgical reconstruction. I had a great recovery and was fully functional in 6 weeks. My friend's doctor had his knee immobilized both before his surgery and afterwards. He had a terrible result and needed a second surgery.
  17. Thanks. I really thought I'd be laid up for awhile but I was able to kayak yesterday and hoping to bike on saturday. coughing/laughing is unpleasant though.
  18. Ha ha. I hadn’t even begun to think about the foliage. took a nasty spill biking Thursday. Knew it was damp, have a rule against riding when it’s damp and yet I went anyway. Total wipeout at speed on a wet slippery wooden bridge. Broke a rib and needed stitches in my elbow. Been 35 years for that. Luckily I’m feeling pretty good. #2020
  19. Half inch today on top of a quarter inch on Monday. 76 dp. Damp.
  20. It’s pouring now. .31” in the bucket.
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