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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. Half inch precip today. 2” total. fired up the wood stove.
  2. If there's one thing I know about the weather, its that outside of 5-7 days, we really dont know shit. All we need is one storm, maybe two, to have a good winter. That being said, I'm hedging my bets and spending a good part of the winter in the north country.
  3. 35/34 and snowing. So happy to be able to say that. .4” of liquid today. Winter is coming.
  4. There was a guy nearby who had an awesome camera with zoom. He said in winters where mid hudson freezes, literally hundreds of bald eagles come south in february.
  5. I worked on court street for 15 years. Well acquainted with cobble hill. Not a great setup for snow. And there is nothing worse than stepping into a slush puddle. photos didn’t do the bird justice.
  6. 41f here. saw a bald eagle yesterday. Wish I had had a real camera with me.
  7. Crappy day down here. Think we are just about at peak foliage.
  8. I get that and while I agree on an individual level, not sure I agree at the societal level. Its becoming pretty clear, that where there is a collective relaxation of adherence to precautionary measures, viral transmission explodes. We saw that here In the NY metro in the insular ultra orthodox communities over the jewish holidays. I have family and friends in those communities and anyone paying attention knew it was going to happen when they gathered in large numbers in mid september. Now NYC schools have been able to operate because viral transmission levels are relatively low with an overall test positivity rate a little over 1%. But in those communities where they threw caution to the wind, the positivity rate jumped to 15-25% and the schools had to be shut down. If we want to get back to pre pandemic levels of economic activity, viral transmission must be kept under control. To keep the virus under control, collectively we have to adhere to certain minimum precautions. I don't have any problem with any one individual choosing to be more or less cautious, but we can't collectively abandon the weapons we have in this fight.
  9. I work at an office in nyc and we have similar protocols. We can argue whether these rules are necessary or too stringent, but it appears that vt has been successful in keeping the virus under control. I think ny state has done well too since the initial wave in the spring. The recent uptick in communities that abandoned precautions like mask wearing and social distancing, I believe, is further evidence that these rules matter. my daughter is a student at a college which has been highly successful in controlling the virus despite in person classes and dormitory living. The school does surveillance testing. Every student faculty member and employee is tested twice a week. They’re doing some 6k tests everyday and the positivity rate is .01%. I think the testing, or more particularly, the knowledge that they will be tested every 3 days, has imbued the students with a healthy respect for the mandated precautions. They aren’t engaging in risky behavior because they know 2 days later they’re going to get tested. And if they fail the test, it’s a 2 week quarantine at best, and if they broke the rules, the possibility of getting kicked out of school and losing their tuition.
  10. For the record, pics from croton reservoir yesterday at dusk.
  11. My maples are muted yellow. Oaks haven’t turned yet neither has the Japanese maple which is always the last to go.
  12. I don't think there are going to be a lot of day trippers regardless of the quarantine situation. First of all, day passes will be limited and require advance purchase. That eliminates a big segment of the day tripper population. I doubt there will be any bus trips at all. Can't imagine any school or organization dealing with a ski trip when they have their hands full otherwise. and groups looking to party more than ski won't be booking trips if the lodges/bars are closed. Maybe i'm wrong (caveat-I thought this thing would be under control by now), but I think its going to be passholders skiing for the most part.
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