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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. I think you were there. The cliffs are skiers left of that chute. Its just that the pines are so thick you can ski right past without seeing them. and that chute is nasty.
  2. I hate Hammerhead. there's just something funky such that the bumps never seem to line up right.
  3. I love black diamond. Also, the woods between Tumbler and lower FIS are fun.
  4. I'd just add that Exterminator woods holds snow really well and there are some cliffs off the long trail to the north of there that are great but you need to know where you're going because the pines in there are really thick.
  5. I watch this YouTube channel for off road trucks called tfl. Over the summer They bought a 2021 Land Rover discovery to put it through its paces on video, drove it off the dealers lot, took it on a short ride, check engine light came on and brought it right back to the dealer. Yada yada yada, their waiting on their 3rd new vehicle.
  6. I should know better than to get my hopes up but I've been quarantining and figured the weather gods would toss me a bone for the effort.
  7. Caught some fog on the lake before the sun came out
  8. Happy turkey day. Perfectly appropriate weather. Gloomy and miserable. .64” in the bucket. Thankful to be in the final stretch of this god forsaken year. On the bright side, I got out of going to my in laws in the berkshires for the holiday.
  9. Really appreciate your posts. Thank you.
  10. I drove through a brief and exceedingly light snow shower on the taconic around noon. no measurable precipitation at the house. Good day to watch a football game.
  11. I don’t know that to be the case. Im sure some will flout the rules as with anything else but I’m planning on following the quarantine guidelines as is my family coming from nys. I’ll stay in vt for weeks or months at a time.
  12. For the record, at the moment, the virus is much more prevalent in NM (62.4/100k) than VT (13.6/100k).
  13. And done. Gusty, lights flickered, not much rain. Tenth of an inch.
  14. Maybe. I was thinking, because it seems the leaves on my roof and deck were especially voluminous, that it was due to the fact that I had the large oak tree which is right next to the house/deck, pruned last year.
  15. 28f here. cleared the gutters hopefully for the last time before spring. In my 20 years here, I’ve never seen such a large volume of leaves on my roof.
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