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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. Yes. I feel like a good clobbering is in order.
  2. And the central/northern greens. They need it but have a good week of snowmaking temps and then maybe some natural on the backside of the system.
  3. within 24 hours. Let's bring this baby home to papa.
  4. I’m not Irish but I did recently find this at my local liquor store. Excellent stuff.
  5. Been shafted so many times I can’t let myself get excited until I see the white of its eyes. This happened only 6 years ago.
  6. I just hope my weenie posts are buried under a thick blanket of snow come thursday morning.
  7. Geezus, we’re 4 days out. can we get a name for this storm? Covid crusher? Pandemic pounding? Blizzard V?
  8. Oh yeah, it’s disgusting down here. Misery mist. I was supposed to go biking and nixed it. there is unusual model consensus at this time frame, fwiw. Bought a new snow brush for the truck. Can’t help myself but getting excited.
  9. Yeah, I’ve been burned by the euro so much I got ptsd, post traumatic snow disorder. This 2020 really owes us.
  10. What? Don’t the roads deserve a treat? #roadsrpeople2
  11. I think you were there. The cliffs are skiers left of that chute. Its just that the pines are so thick you can ski right past without seeing them. and that chute is nasty.
  12. I hate Hammerhead. there's just something funky such that the bumps never seem to line up right.
  13. I love black diamond. Also, the woods between Tumbler and lower FIS are fun.
  14. I'd just add that Exterminator woods holds snow really well and there are some cliffs off the long trail to the north of there that are great but you need to know where you're going because the pines in there are really thick.
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