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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. I noticed that as well. seems like the maple leaves have a lot of brown already. Also, the acorns have been sparse to non existent.
  2. Went paddle boarding on lake at fahnstock yesterday and saw fresh water jellyfish. About the size of a penny. Never saw that before. today is how September is supposed to be. Beautiful.
  3. A whopping .02” between last night and this morning. The storm around 10pm was about 5 miles west of me.
  4. I’d take some plastics over this humidity. When will it end.
  5. I got a ride in this morning before the rain but the afternoon was a lot wetter than anticipated.
  6. we don't seem to have much, if any, damage locally. I guess there's a big difference between getting 5" of rain and 8-10"of rain. also we didnt have any massive downpours like 2-3"/hour rates. Even at the height of the storm last night, I think it maxed out at like .75"/hour. I tried to get to my office in the bronx this morning and it was relatively smooth sailing until I got to the westchester bronx border. freaking disaster there. Had to turn around and come back north.
  7. The brook that goes through my backyard, pre and post ida.
  8. The posters declaring bust and no big deal in the main thread yesterday, should be banned. Ridiculous.
  9. Don't recall ever seeing this in my point forecast. New precipitation amounts in excess of 4 inches possible.
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