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Posts posted by Hitman

  1. 53 minutes ago, IrishRob17 said:

    Yeah, 2022 picked up right where 2021 left off, all shit.  My entire family has had COVID now over the past three weeks minus me and my wife, as far as we know. My kids all bounced back quickly, my oldest son is completely asymptomatic and my grandson only had a fever for a couple days that thankfully broke a few days ago now.  My mother though tested positive a couple days ago and she was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer last week.  My SIL was able to get her the 5 days OTC pills that were approved a few weeks ago.  My mother reports some improvement this morning but still really tired, stuffy and a cough, and she was already on an O2 concentrator but she's putting up a fight which is obviously good.  The same day we found out about my mother last week I had to put the family cat down, it was time as he was sick but it all sucks.  Trying to focus on the positives and take 'em as they come.  Take care of yourself and that goes for everyone here, dammit!  :drunk:       

    Sorry to hear this.  stay strong.  the sun will come out tomorrow.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Juliancolton said:

    My excuse is I've been zonked out the last few days from either the flu or a nasty cold (2x neggy tests so feel safe as far as that goes). Between that and not having much of a dog in the fight as you say, there was definitely no staying up for the 00z Euro... or the 12z on some days. 

    fwiw-my daughter tested negative 3 times, 2 rapid and 1 pcr, before testing positive.

    • Sad 1
  3. 15 hours ago, psuhoffman said:

    @powderfreak hope you can help me out for planning.  I’m very familiar with the local climo and what to expect from a typical upslope event at Stowe but less so Sugarbush. I know they do better than Killington south which miss out mostly on upslope but not as good as Stowe, Smuggs, and Jay. But how does it compare?  What is a reasonable expectation at Sugarbush when Stowe gets their typical 12” upslope events?   

    Either way it will be at least a couple weeks before I head up. Going to snowshoe this weekend since they’re looking at 8”+ from tomorrow and most of New England hasn’t recovered from the last thaw/freeze yet.  I traded in my K2s and only have a pair of atomic access now. They handle everything pretty well except ice and I just don’t bother with it anymore. Rather save my $ and time for better conditions. 

    Thanks for any inside info…

    In my experience at sugarbush, while not entirely random, it's difficult to predict the outcome of a particular upslope event or period at any of the mountains you mentioned.  Surely Sugarbush averages less than the other mountains over the course of a season, but that doesnt mean that if Stowe gets 12", SB would get 6".  I've seen SB get a foot when Stowe got 2".   Beyond my understanding how or why this occurs. In my totally unscientific observation, SB does better when the wind is westerly as opposed to northwest, but I may be totally wrong about that. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

    The irony is that’s probably the safest place on the slope now that the hill’s energy has been released.  There’s nothing trying to pull that top part down anymore, like the slope’s rubber band snapped and there’s zero tension.

    Yeah, well, more power to him, but I ain’t going anywhere near that wall of death.  Yikes.


    • Haha 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, LaGrangewx said:

    @MRVexpat Great pics skiing looks fantastic!

    @HitmanYea those remote Cat and heli lodges are super cool. Congrats on the trip I’m actually looking into a trip to the OPUS hut near Telluride potentially. 

    I havent been to any of those lodges.  We've been staying in Nelson and doing relatively affordable cat skiing.  

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, LaGrangewx said:

    Was snooping around some cat skiing operations in BC after seeing a bunch of Instagram videos recently and found some cool data. Mustang Powder in the Monashee mountains near Revelstoke has kept records at their lodge at 5700’. They claim to average 380” just December thru March which blew my mind. Nearby Mount Copeland had a station at 6000’ for a few years in the early 1970s and averaged like 750” during the 5 or so years and had one year with almost 1000” snow.

    Another station nearby in the Selkirks with longer term data Mount Fidelity at 6150’ averages ~550 inches and around 350” December to March. Rogers pass below at 4300’ averages around 350” for the entire season. So the Mustang powder lodge probably averages somewhere around 550-600” during a full winter. Mountains in this region get up over 9000’ so the claims of 800-1000” average snowfall in the higher alpine are probably not far fetched at all. 

    The Columbia Mountain region fascinates me and is tops on my bucket list of destinations. I have read people claim this region averages the most “dry powder” in the world and they always seem to be consistent, it’s not usually feast or famine like the Sierra can be. The amount of quality powder snowfall in this region blows my mind and truly has to be one of the best regions in the world for snowfall and skiing. Hopefully I’ll experience it firsthand one day!


    can confirm.  Whitewater averages 480" in season which runs from early december to early april.  From my observations, it seems they consistently get 10cm here, 20 cm there as opposed to the monster dumps in the coastal ranges like the sierras and whistler.  dry too.  there's a reason all those cat and heli ski operations are there.

    I just booked a  trip for the end of january. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, BxEngine said:

    Its infinitely better looking than the old rusty shitbox we had to drive over.

    Couldnt agree more.  With my family in Bergen county, I was traversing that bridge constantly and the new one is a huge improvement.  Say what you want about Andrew Cuomo but he got stuff built.  Talking about replacing the old tappen zee for 30 years before he got to albany.

  8. 46 minutes ago, PowderBeard said:

    WOW, that is rough. Basically the same vert as skiing Sunday River. 

    Just noticed Sugarbush got Ripcord and Spillsville open. I'm feeling a quick trip up.  

    fwiw-ripcord and spills are au natural.  havent made snow there yet.

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