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Everything posted by DanTheMan

  1. I hate the Raiders. I hate Jon Gruden and his stupid face.
  2. Drew a lovely Xmas shift tomorrow so celebrating with my folks today. In such a crappy year grateful I have a close knit family nearby I can still visit. Got my dad a box of Great Lakes Christmas ale to remind him of home
  3. Are we still expecting any backside snow around the close wstrn burbs? Would love some evening photos with the Xmas lights
  4. Fun appetizer event, ready to do some more tracking
  5. Sleet/rain here now, was fun while it lasted maybe got 2 inches. Hope we see more flakes on the backside
  6. Mix reports getting close to me, gonna go on my coffee break now while its still ripping, big fatties again
  7. juicy slug inbound on radar, hope its not sleet
  8. Having a hard time doing any work being in a building with big glass windows
  9. Was a slick drive into work, 28 is fine but the side roads already terrible
  10. Im on the acceptance stage of grief. It was a fun week tracking and seeing everyone back, hope the western areas cash in and we are tracking more later this month!
  11. Things are better when everyones good, AFC North is a heck of a division
  12. Good game Ravens people.. You got the win tonight but we will no longer be two free Ws every year anymore
  13. Nobody buys time like Lamar, Browns defense cant blow coverage like they did to Andrews at the end
  14. Our defense dude..bleh final 2 minutes
  15. Not really sure what to expect Wednesday, sitting at 319 feet in Centreville (Thanks again to whoever posted that elevation map yesterday!). Kind of thinking 2-4ish but holding out hope for 5+ if I get lucky.
  16. My money is on the Spiders but honestly don't know
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