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Everything posted by butterfish55

  1. My flight to Aruba leaves Logan at 6:30 am 12/24. I expect blizzard conditions at that time
  2. Was working in Wareham today...lots of yellow jackets bothering us. Beautiful day
  3. Winter storm track establishing itself in October .85" here.
  4. Filtered sun, 70/64 Pretty ok Saturday, compared to what I was expecting
  5. Generator install along the North River in Hanover. Some color
  6. Yeah, mine does that too. It makes about 10% less KW using propane vs gas. Nice option to have during a long outage.
  7. 84/75...3 ply day. Brutal week for those (me) who work outside all day.
  8. As someone who installs Kohler generators every day on the Cape, south shore and SEMA, I approve of this post
  9. Yeah just saw that rotation closer to Middleboro. Brett's station is about an inch now.....in about 20-30 minutes
  10. Absolutely pouring. Not much thunder. He definitely missed a good one
  11. 86/77 here in Tblizz land. Sun is still out (mostly) and it is STEAMY. We'll see if anything materializes here later
  12. Was just thinking how smokey it is....working in Newton just off 128 and it's super hazy/smokey
  13. I work outside every day, so I prefer and heat. Rain and snow obviously suck to work in, but working outside in high heat gets the nod from me versus single digits gusty wind in the winter. I'm an electrician for a company that installs standby generators in houses and it's just so much easier for digging trenches and running pipes/wires when its hot
  14. Full sun, pool temp is 84. Worst summer ever
  15. "I'm a weenie because I grew up in New England"
  16. Bright and sunny in Raynham. 70 and climbing.
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