My in-laws who live in Cape Breton, NS reporting over 2 feet at their house near Inverness and still dumping. Just spoke with them on FaceTime and saw the snow was almost covering their 3 foot garden fence. Would have been nice to have that here!
It's great for your well though Brett!!
We are absolutely paying for all those bullseye years. Is what it is
34/34 still mostly raining but really trying to flip now with the heavier echos
Congrats Mike! Good that you have a picture of one of the two happiest days in a boat owner's life. Installed a generator at a house right on the water in Wareham today. Steady wind, absolutely freezing
Is he all stocked up on powdered water too? I install Kohler generators every day all over SEMA, SS and the cape. Hopefully a lot of my customers get to use them tomorrow. And hopefully the storm creates a bunch more new customers