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Everything posted by butterfish55

  1. thunder for the last hour or so....now a nice 10 minute downpour. grass and bushes approve
  2. Spent some quality time in that attic today....good thing it's not humid this summer. It's like buying a snowblower in October, insuring a snowless winter. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  3. Lol....I said to my wife we need to get a dozen bags of ice for it. Honestly, it feels amazing. Doesn't feel like a bath at all, very refreshing
  4. Pool doesn't care if we hit 100 or not....
  5. Didn't you hear? HHH was cancelled...try to keep up
  6. My pool is salt water, pretty much takes care of itself after balancing in the spring. I toss the robot in every other day to vacuum it. Total maintenance of about 30 minutes per week. I do spend some time on the landscaping and other stuff though
  7. Violently disagree. How much time do you spend maintaining your pool?
  8. It's absolutely worth it, imo...I have a heater for it, so I get at least 5 months (may-end of Sept). I have t used the heater since mid June though. It gets lots of sun and is always warm. It's a bit of work and $$$ but I love it.....especially on weekends like this
  9. Mine is back up to 85-86 after dropping a bit from the rain. I'm thinking it should crack 90 by Sunday afternoon. Going to feel like the beach in Key West.
  10. Just heard Corey on 98.5. He's the best
  11. 91/67 Pool temp - 88 As good as it gets
  12. Pool water temp is 87...could use a good thunderstorm to cool it down a bit. 89/71.......juicy
  13. Have been in York Beach all week and have been coming here my whole life. It's been like this the last few years. When I was young, it was painful to go in. Can just walk right in now with no issues. I guess that's good, but brings with it its own problems too I guess. Beach was packed today and the last couple days...fireworks tonight!
  14. Looking forward to Siberian snowfall updates
  15. No damage on our little street. Can't speak for the rest of town. Dirt road is pretty flooded, but that's normal. The wind and rain were crazy for about 10 minutes.
  16. Incredible rain and wind with this cell. Not really any thunder or lightning though. got unpacked just time
  17. Heading to York beach from today thru Saturday. Looks to be an awesome weather week. Such a nice beach and town, just too bad the water is always too cold to go in.
  18. Everyone check out Mr moneybags over here
  19. We've had a few rumbles, some rain drops, but everyone is staying safe in the pool
  20. Absolutely pouring again because that's what we are best at in EMass now
  21. Pouring here all morning. Some minor street flooding driving through the lovely streets of Taunton
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