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Everything posted by butterfish55

  1. 75/49......this is how it should be every day
  2. He's baaaaaack........stay safe everyone
  3. Very sad news. Met him at a GTG a few years ago around the holidays. The forum definitely won't be the same without him. Can't wait for the first James Storm that buries Harwich, Cape Cod MA
  4. Eric Fisher gave you a shout out at 6:15
  5. I was at UMiami from 92-94. I went to the UM/FSU game in Tallahassee in 93 when C Ward kicked out ass. That stadium was amazing. FSU seemed like an awesome place to go to school Ray Lewis was in my geography class. I probably walked by The Rock a few times but he wasn't famous. All the football players drove brand new Mercedes. I'm sure it was because their families had tons of money
  6. To be clear....they aren't giving journeyman electrician licenses away. It's a pretty tough, time consuming process. Definitely a huge commitment. Much harder than anything I ever had to do in college. 8000 hours/4 years working as an apprentice and 600 hours of school just to be able to take the journeyman test. Then, after I had my journeyman for a couple years I did another 150 hours of school and took my Masters test.
  7. I went to a very good prep school in RI from 6-12 grade, graduated college in 4 years and tried working for awhile in my field (Communication/Journalism). I hated it. Long story short I ended up going back to school (NE Tech) and have been an electrician for about 17 years. The money is definitely better and, for me, it's just a much more enjoyable way to make a living. It would be nice if kids went into the trades coming out of HS instead of taking on $200k in student loans only to get a job that pays $40k a year. I guess it's not very glamorous though
  8. I'm a master electrician been working for myself for about 8 years. Everytime I go for a code update class they tell us the average age of licensed electricians in MA is something like 54 or 55. They are definitely not enough kids coming into the trade and the demand will only increase as all these older folks retire
  9. 67, full sun. Beautiful Mother's Day
  10. My level 2 charger cost me $600 from the dealer when I picked up the car. It's on a 40a circuit with #8 copper. It's not too far from the panel so I used a piece of wire I had lying around. I do 75% of my driving in my work van. So this is more to mess around and figure out the pros and cons of owning an EV. I think the range and cost are where they need to be. If they can figure out a way to speed up the charging, then I think EVs will take off. They are fine for daily commutes, then plugging it in overnight at home. But if you want to take a long road trip, you have to really worry about where/when you can charge. Then, you may be sitting there for hours if it's not a DC fast charger. If you could recharge in 10-15 minutes from empty to full, then we will be into something. Maybe in a few years
  11. I picked up a Check Bolt about 2 months ago. Pretty happy with it. The range is about 260 miles on a full charge. I installed a level 2 charger in my garage for it....but, being an electrician, it was easy. The EVs definitely drive differently than a normal car. The acceleration is kind of nuts and they are silent.
  12. .18" overnight and a couple very loud cracks of thunder at 3:00 that freaked out the dog.
  13. My in-laws in Nova Scotia had their first shot a few weeks ago. Their second shot is scheduled for July 26. Canada is spreading out the doses by over 100 days.
  14. Yeah it's strange. I'm 46 and other than a sore arm, I didn't have any noticeable reaction to either Moderna dose.
  15. UMass said they are "encouraging" faculty and staff to get it, but not requiring it
  16. Daughter just got an email from UMass Amherst that all students will be required to be vaccinated for the Fall semester. Not sure about other campuses, but I'd assume it's a system-wide policy. Email also confirmed full, in person classes and residence halls. Didn't say anything about testing or masks, but that will likely be ironed out this summer. Very happy for her...she spent her entire sophomore year home taking all classes remotely. That sucks Have to think most colleges (in the northeast anyway) will require vaccinations for the Fall
  17. Had my 2nd Moderna shot on 3/29. Sore arm and a little tired but nothing bad at all. Me, my wife and my daughter(19) are all fully vacced. None of use had any adverse side effects. My son(14) will get the shot as soon as it's approved for ages 12-16 shortly.
  18. Just a cold windy misery mist now. Had about 2 hours of white rain. Congrats to those who got dumped on!
  19. Lots of cats paws on the windshield here in Norton/Attleboro area. Temp is down to 38 on the car thermometer
  20. Beautiful day in Newport with the family but my in-laws up in Cape Breton, NS are dealing with that ULL...was heavy rain and now a huge ice storm. Lots of damage up on their hill and no power.
  21. You should get some quotes from local companies too. They will do a better job of explaining it to you as well. As long as you own the panels you get the SRECs. A company in CA monitors my system remotely and every time I generate 1MWh it it automatically creates a "solar renewable energy credit". It then sells it for me, keeps a small percentage, and sends me the rest as a direct deposit. I think I have corresponded with them three times in the last five years. Don't do or sign anything that doesn't allow you full and complete control.
  22. Just got my 2nd shot of Moderna at Gillette. Holy hell is it windy up here!
  23. The savings I get on my electric bill is nice, it I make way more money selling the renewable energy credits (SRECs). I use a company in CA that monitors it for me and sells my credits in the market when the price is high. I've been getting about $350 per credit (it used to be over $500) and usually make between around $2500 to $3k a year from it. My system is pretty small though. It's cool to get a direct deposit for hundreds of dollars 4 times a year for doing nothing. I've tried to buy Tesla powerwall packs. They are a fortune. It's also my understanding, as of the last time I checked, that Tesla won't sell Power walls by themselves...you can only buy them as part of a whole system. Not sure if that is still a thing though. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  24. Own. We bought them straight up when they were installed. Not a huge system...18 panels , 4.5 KW. More than paid for themselves already and well worth the investment. Plus, I just bought a new EV car (Chevy Bolt), so I try only to plug it in on sunny days to charge it for free. Win win!
  25. What a month for those of us with solar on their houses. I've had solar on my roof for 7 years and I already broke my record for March production last week and there's still 5 days left. I just checked and this March has also given me more production than any April as well. Good stuff Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
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