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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. wow, let me research this a bit more.
  2. 3" is allot of rain, waht did 92 do? 5"
  3. maybe 2" here if the GFS is correct.. definetly was warmer around here as compared to 12Z. It's pretty much a good shot IMHO that outside 495 north and west get a good storm, rest of us.. TBD.
  4. 18z gfs not gonna get it done this run for us peeps on the bubble.. but inland gets crushed
  5. hey what happened to that SKiMgr guy?
  6. that is why we are trying to decipher what he/she said, maybe it was more of a statement idk.
  7. that's the storm that help me find eastern, I was living in Winchester, MA and family was in Canada, I was alone and trying to find good weather sources, registered that night.. **** 15 years later!
  8. i feel like there are 2 different thoughts jb dont cancel winter = Jb did not cancel winter? ok to for many of you always to neg on winter storms = Not cool to always be debbie downers on winter storms
  9. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/profile/13931-leo2000/
  10. what's the process? is there like a commitee or something? some secret ritual or sacrifice?
  11. i hear you, I thought esembles looked pretty good, which is what we should mostly be using 100+ hours out..
  12. don't see big changes on the EPS from 6z, anyone else seeing anything of note?
  13. Yeah would be walking a tight plank for us
  14. GFS was great.. GGEM/UKIE/ICON not so good, let's wait for EURO
  15. I do still think areas outside of 495 are favored currently.. hopefully EURO ticks better.
  16. 850/925 look pretty cold..surface is close here
  17. no, not at all.. time to shift for sure.
  18. Yeah not much change at mid levels, slightly south at the beginning but ended up in a similar position, would still need that to tick south for coastal folks
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