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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. yeah, hopefully does not get too close to Birmingham, it's on direct track for southern suburbs
  2. velocity scan looking nasty now, luckily not much in the area currently
  3. nice soaker, no drought talk for a few weeks
  4. agree on the uselessness of humidity, 80's with 50's dewpoint is perfect weather.. if we had decent severe weather or hurricanes I would change my mind.
  5. Up this way also, planning a small bbq with the folks now that they have their shots.. if I listen to you should do it on Sat if I listen to Kev no problem.. hmmm.. wonder who I should go with.
  6. Last few days temp swings has been pretty epic 3/20 61/22 3/21 67/25 3/22 65/25 3/23 52*/28 * as of 10 am
  7. you should move to Atacama to enjoy a good drought.
  8. Pretty heavy squall, coated everything except roads
  9. stop fear mongering... Africa did not have lock downs.. neither did Nauru and Malta.. just stop it
  10. dude you should stop posting, your an idiot.
  11. Hopefully I can get my shot by April, looking to take a trip out to Yellowstone with the kids in May, we want to be fully vaccinated before that. Crazy to see that 2.5M+ have died in just over 12 months, imagine if we would have listen to the it's just the flu crowd,. 5M? 10M?
  12. yeah last year was fun, even just watching goes16 minute updates with some many systems deepening quickly. Will you put a TS forecast? is that a new thing for you? I know you track individual storms and put out a forecast.
  13. next spring? I'm reducing my post count now into summer, will comeback if there is some interesting weather between now and fall, maybe we can finally score a decent TS or Derecho
  14. down to 11.7.. meh on winds as usual a few gusts,
  15. probably picked up another 2" during the day.. around 4" so far
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