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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. It’s interesting but allot folks want to go back full time.. wonder how long that lasts. I just don’t want the traffic to return.. if you have a 20 min commute I guess everyday is cool. I have a 1 hour commute so rather not be there 5 days .
  2. We go back after Labor Day, but folks will have the choice to hybrid. I will do 2 days office and 3 at home. Week after I travel might do 1 and 4. .
  3. Singularity is coming or Terminator .
  4. We have lots of young engineers that have been with us for a few years. Our company builds loyalty by treating their employees well. Pay competitively, good incentive plan, lots of development opportunities and challenging issues to solve. I do think social networks have made it easier to headhunt young talent. I know talented engineers that get calls weekly. We have to be competitive to retain them. .
  5. Wifey is out spending money, she’s fully recovered and I guess immune now lol .
  6. I heard you get what they have available that day. I want the 1 dose .
  7. Getting my vax Friday!! Not sure which one.. one step closer from being able to emerge from my cocoon .
  8. Wifey almost recovered, still some fatigue add 2 more to the herd! .
  9. Let’s try and keep things civil this time so this does not get deleted, specially DIT claims on the vaccine lol .
  10. I assume you have to call them? It’s not on the website? .
  11. Removing my name from the Mass pre registered list as I type, I like my inni .
  12. Hope you feel better soon, I’ve been on pins and needles asking my wife how she feels.. she finally told me to stop asking. Every cough worries me...the good news she has not coughed much, but yeah she is exhausted .
  13. Horns? I heard some folks get horns, .
  14. It was mostly the common stuff, but if you assume the cluster all got the same variant, its just interesting Wife - ached, fatigue, sore throat Daughter - fever, dizziness and cough Friend - cough fatigue Friend - sore throat Friend - cough Anyway just found it interesting .
  15. Wife and a daughter got COVID, daughter recovered in 3 days, wife is miserable but improving slowly. She is on day 6. No symptoms for me but will get tested Saturday. Strange virus, it spread quick with little incubation period and everyone we know in our cluster had different symptoms. .
  16. https://www.facebook.com/TornadoIntercept/videos/3518562575034577/ .
  17. Tornado on the ground, passing south of Dewitt .
  18. Helena got hit pretty good, asking for mutual aid
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