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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. Congrats!! I’m at 22 lbs, also started running and cycling. It’s amazing the benefits of dropping excess weight. Running has been great, usually I get back pain or shin pain when I hit mile 3 or 4, but no pain and fastest pace I’ve done I’m years. 20 more to go. .
  2. I dont think his point was the weight, it was the other effects but I also don’t think you were saying drinking a few everyday is healthy. .
  3. On this diet, I’ve been experimenting with liquor, drank some Bourbon the other night. Not sure how some folks like them.. might try some Scotch this weekend.. any recommendations? .
  4. I’ve actually been around 1500-1800 per day for about 1 month now, it’s not easy to do when family and friends eating all day (teenagers) .
  5. For sure eating better and smaller portions is the way to go. Once I get to my target I will have beers again. .
  6. Really wanna see the bruins dominate today .
  7. Nice, no beer for a month so far ... trying to get back to my optimal weight ,1/2 way there.. .
  8. You let your 7 yr old play GTA? My kid did not touch GTA till around 14 .
  9. I hardly listen to the news, but you have to stay on top of the mood if you are trading stocks, so I have no choice but to listen to the crap.
  10. Unless we get a deathlier mutation, I think we are going forward, I predict by June 1st all 50 states are open with no mask mandates outside, inside might still be some hangover but mostly we are moving on, there might be some scare tactics around memorial day but I think most folks will ignore them, >50% vaccinated ~ 20- 30% have had the virus... we should be good!
  11. I'm always here to serve your Highness
  12. Phin is Mr. know it all, he has so much courage and is so brave.. I wish I could be more like him, only he understand children and their psychology, I am sure he has multiple phD degrees. He is so smart
  13. only reason for us would be to travel, Canada and EU would likely require some sort of vaccination so we don't have to quarantine.. have plans later this summer.
  14. yeah, on schedule if not ahead, not sure what the big deal is, people gotta vent I guess
  15. rare.. typically only see older folks with masks.. in Boston is different, most are wearing masks
  16. wife applied as she a Canadian citizen and has family in PEI/NS/NB so will see what they comeback with.
  17. Hope borders open soon, trying to get PEI before July. .
  18. In Salem, packed even with the cold weather. Eating at the tavern, pretty lively here, is not all doom like folks are portraying. Yes, there are some industries still hurting but folks are out and about. .
  19. India and Brazil’s numbers are crazy. As for India they did well for a long time, not sure why they are spiking so high. .
  20. Not sure how I feel about this whole booster thing. If it’s yearly, no problem. Like the flu vax, but six months. Idk. I thought the whole rush is to mostly reduce it to manageable levels. I think folks will always die of covid like the Flu but if we need to live getting a shot every 6 months seems crazy. I agree with most that we will learn to live that like many other viruses, people will die, there will always be new variants and we will need to vaccinate yearly. The question is what is that acceptance level of deaths? 100 a day? 50? .
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