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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. Yikes, that blows.. hopefully they reverse that soon. .
  2. We don’t make folks wear masks in cubes, cubes are big enough at our company. Only when someone comes to your cube or you get up. .
  3. I get annoyed that I have to take off my mask to drink my coffee lol .
  4. No protocols at work? Don’t have to visit customers? .
  5. I guess the point was, no more covid protocols.. tired of sitting in conference rooms with my mask on. .
  6. Not really, even if u did not care about covid, hopefully you followed the rules. I am sure as a sales guy you had to follow rules to enter into buildings .
  7. Problem I have right now is finding qualified scientist and engineers.. hot market Ended up relo someone from Atlanta due to lack of local applicants, had a crap load from other areas .
  8. it’s over folks.. August 1st party on.. .
  9. high 79.9 on 4/10 otherwise next highest was 74.. as close as you can get lol
  10. Favorite place on earth for me, missed it last year, hopefully I can get there when the borders open up for the general population Once we build a new cottage I plan to install a weather station and cam, hopefully it’s survives being on the north coast .
  11. 0.25” so far... Definitely the cool mornings have made things feel BN for me, but it’s only April so could still go either way. .
  12. This spring so far has not felt warm at all.. I’m surprised it’s top 15 if that is correct. .
  13. My wife just got approved to go to PEI in June. Pretty cool to finally go back. I will wait till August. Florida trip canceled .
  14. I never had anyone tell me to put a mask on outdoors and I never told anyone to wear one. .
  15. Nice, starting looking at myrtle beach .
  16. Yeah getting hard to find that this year. Trying to plan a trip to the FL panhandle and Airbnb prices are ridiculous .
  17. Yo, we should all be having a beer or favorite beverage tonight, not fighting. This is a good day and one step closer to the end. No matter what you think of this pandemic, it has sucked for most of us in one way or another. .
  18. Yeah will be nice to be in Boston with no masks, that seem to be the last place I saw a majority wearing them. .
  19. 55 still clouds, hopefully clears up soon. .
  20. I’m actually in the industry so not really allowed to trade much of those stocks. I stick to Biotech as nobody cares in my company currently about those. .
  21. , allot of money going into research right now that is everything hydrogen .
  22. Me and my wife enjoy our quiet Saturday nights watching TV, usually after spending all day outdoors. We usually do Grubhub instead. .
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