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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. really? I don't see that many people worried, been to CA, TX, AZ, UT, NV past few weeks. Hardly any masks and lots of close contact, except at airports. I think only people worried are on this board lol
  2. still COVID posting in here? been travelling up and down the US, not much talk of COVID except the annoyance of wearing a mask at the airport and planes.
  3. I’m not really sure what to expect for weather after reading the last 50 posts. Hope nobody comes here looking for a forecast lol .
  4. Was in SLO last week and it rained, everyone was so happy. I think they ended up with .01.. Really hoping for 10 straight strong El Niño’s .
  5. I still call them that, did something change? .
  6. I was looking at who visited my LinkedIn, there was two fitness instructors, like professional ones, and then a bunch of boring people. I wonder what algorithm got them to my profile, the fitness instructors. .
  7. In CA, but checked the station back home, down to 55 this AM .
  8. 11.35” so far this month. picked up .1 today .
  9. 13 straight days with measurable precipitation.. impressive stretch. .
  10. Yeah vax all, even newborns. As soon as they pop out stick a Pfizer needle on them. .
  11. Lol at still posting about COViD even after some folks said to move on. .
  12. Another .8.. over 4” since Thursday night .
  13. closing in on 2" today and 2.55" since yesterday, 6.94" so far this month.
  14. Even someone with a weaken immune system/Trump supporter? I knew plenty of trump supporters that were paranoid of the virus, even now, but maybe that is the minority.
  15. it is interesting data how it divides..
  16. Thanks Tip, I could not find anywhere that had me 90+ next week, could still change but does not look that hot tbh
  17. impressive stretch of rain.. everyday since June 30th.. glad to get a break after today. I guess I better enjoy it come next summer out west I will be bored with nothing to follow but the fog rolling in
  18. wonder what model they use to produce that map..
  19. man rainy month, another 0.44" last night.. 2-3" more from TS..
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