yeap, it took the perfect tract to avoid any disruption, only hope is the environment is not as good as forecasted as it nears FL.. I also agree this might jog WSW at some point, I think anywhere from Daytona Beach to Key West is still fair game.
Michael Ventrice
Latest SHIPS diagnostic message on Tropical Storm #Dorian: There's an abnormally high (44%) chance of rapid intensification of 45kt in 36 hours. This is 10 times higher than the climatological mean. Bold stance.
I did pretty good I think.. we should have a pool or something.. pick 6 SNE stations and folks can put there best forecast.. winner wins a date with Dendrite's chickens
everyone who is an original on this board loves snow.. Dr. Dew of course loves snow
I don't remember why he was banned the first time.. maybe when he posted on the OT forum.
looks like I''ll end up close to my +2 call in BOS at least, less in other areas in SNE.. early look at September I don't see more than +1 departures but need to look closer.