man, what a beast.. i lived in FL, seeing a storm that looks like that coming your way is a scary sight. It's fun to watch out in the Atlantic but if it makes LF it will be bad.
Nice day, a tad warmer but not bad for August. One of the best Augusts we've had in a long time. After that hurrendous July, I can understand why some folks came out with guns blazing for August +3 or +4 but things changed quickly.
Yessir...I stayed on campus for a couple days, then they closed it and encouraged everyone to go home for a couple weeks. I had to get a ride to FLT airport at 5:00 am thru a curfew. Fun stuff Classes didn't started until later in Sept.
I was south of the curfew/limited access area. Had to go through military checkpoints to get home I lived at the Crossing which is at 112st..lots of destruction being in the northern eyewall