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Everything posted by Bostonseminole

  1. kidding of course, come on, you must know me better by now. I'm not that much of a weenie..
  2. but the one you posted, the 300+ GFS, you now have teased us.. we are expecting it in 15 days.
  3. it's like the south getting a BECS.. we can't handle it!
  4. I was in there trying to help some of the young ones but I give up.. stick to the main thread or here.. so are we getting anything here? lol
  5. selective moderating in there. Now, I know why I stay in the SNE forum.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/HopeTownBulletin/permalink/2538892356171726/
  7. lol feels like the old days of american.. same folks hazing poor newish members
  8. 0.84" so far Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  9. yeah, but better might be nova scotia based on that run.. direct hit from whatever is left
  10. 225600 2521N 07101W 6958 02958 9788 +117 +107 037098 104 097 008 00 225630 2520N 07059W 6963 02893 9717 +119 //// 035111 116 104 008 01 225700 2519N 07057W 6938 02842 9615 +135 +129 037090 104 112 009 00 225730 2518N 07055W 6933 02811 9535 +170 +111 054050 059 111 029 03 225800 2516N 07054W 6937 02786 9489 +196 +085 069029 033 046 002 03 225830 2514N 07053W 6922 02792 9461 +213 +069 079015 022 038 001 03 225900 2513N 07052W 6949 02758 9473 +203 +080 242011 024 035 001 00 225930 2512N 07050W 7000 02717 9507 +193 +094 239033 036 055 000 03 230000 2512N 07048W 6923 02832 9552 +169 +083 229054 071 083 009 03 230030 2511N 07045W 6951 02861 9650 +128 +121 226098 108 101 015 00 230100 2510N 07043W 6963 02919 9747 +117 //// 218101 104 099 014 01 230130 2509N 07041W 6981 02957 9810 +115 //// 216097 103 091 020 01
  11. yeap, you guys were right.. that's insane deepening.
  12. maybe, but my 20 years of tracking these things, they sometimes look better than recon finds.. but I agree, it's one of the better looking ones.
  13. not sure i wold got that far maybe 125 -130.. but looks great.
  14. man, what a beast.. i lived in FL, seeing a storm that looks like that coming your way is a scary sight. It's fun to watch out in the Atlantic but if it makes LF it will be bad.
  15. all this snow talk.. come on people we have a hurricane coming!
  16. Big drop in pressure tonight Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  17. Nice day, a tad warmer but not bad for August. One of the best Augusts we've had in a long time. After that hurrendous July, I can understand why some folks came out with guns blazing for August +3 or +4 but things changed quickly.
  18. Yessir...I stayed on campus for a couple days, then they closed it and encouraged everyone to go home for a couple weeks. I had to get a ride to FLT airport at 5:00 am thru a curfew. Fun stuff Classes didn't started until later in Sept. I was south of the curfew/limited access area. Had to go through military checkpoints to get home I lived at the Crossing which is at 112st..lots of destruction being in the northern eyewall
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