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About Snowden

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Arcola, VA

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  1. I was just looking at that, has us forecasted for 60 and were 21 degrees colder here…
  2. Past three days of storms for eastern loudoun is for the history books. On top of two days of torrential rain and hail, now we get long duration train of back to back storms. Been thundering for almost 2 hours straight here.
  3. Third day in a row of flooding rains for eastern loudoun. Months of rain in a few days.
  4. Lots of thunder in SE loudoun again, day 3 in a row for hail? Took a walk today and the entire neighborhood covered in shredded leaves. The storm pond filled up halfway yesterday and it’s probably a good 16’ deep. I wouldn’t be suprised if we’re approaching 6” of rain in the last 48 hours.
  5. Easily 3”-5” in just southwest of Dulles.
  6. Need more fuel for the desire! Last two days have been fantastic for us. Best severe weather I’ve seen in terms of hail for 30 minutes.
  7. Choo choo! All aboard the flood train. This like round 4 or 5 now. Nuts.
  8. That was by far the most severe storm in the last 15 years I’ve been here in eastern LoCo. Still raining but at least the hail is gone. Was deafening at the peak from hitting all the cars.
  9. Flooding now, ground can’t hold anymore, everything is a giant puddle.
  10. Few miles from LWX/IAD, we’re getting annihilated, severe winds, near golf ball size hail for at least 5 min now.
  11. Hail started again, round 2, this is pure insanity
  12. Got a quick video of the Hail storm
  13. Been hailing for several minutes, hail size increasing.
  14. Now the skies opened up, torrential rains.
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