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Professional Lurker

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Everything posted by Professional Lurker

  1. Same. My pack is gone. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  2. Gotta say, the wind is absolutely ripping here after that squawl went through. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  3. Their wind turbine is made by a company called powerwind, they're based out of Germany. ... so yeah, it'll be an undertaking to get another blade brought over. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  4. Never really realized how talentrd he was until I heard him with dead and co. Almost a 10-fingered Jerry? Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  5. Lol. Haven't used mine yet this year. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  6. What are you at so far this season? I'd wager that you're beating Hippy and me by a lot, when realistically it should be the other way around. We're at 15.5 to 16". ... that's it! The good news is that even with such crappy seasonal snowfall, my yard has had total coverage since about Christmas. That's the one saving grace here. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  7. Bring on sping Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  8. **** this winter. Awful. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  9. Honestly don't remember, sorry. The silver lining has been constant snow cover in my yard. I'm definitely a pack guy, and realize that typically only a grinch storm will prevent my yard from being snow-covered from late Dec to March. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  10. I haven't measured this year, but I'd guess that I've got 15" or less season to date. I'd also guess I average 60-65. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  11. Was hoping to be below freezing by now. Meh. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  12. House was 57 degrees this morning. Ugh, out of oil, lol. Filling cans of diesel ftl. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  13. All you eastern peeps, congrats! (Read: all you eastern peeps, Eat shit)! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  14. OT, but I had a friend who collected custom guitars. Had a Gene Simmons are bass, #2/250. Gene had #1, obviously. There were cork pegs in the body. We removed one and there was a handwritten note. Kinda cool. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  15. Yeah, that seemed scary when I read about it and saw the pics. I remember tequila Barry wiping out into a hydrant. He had an ugly bump. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  16. Lol. 65 mustang here, curbing a driveway ornament unfortunately. Driving it every day including 2 winters killed it. Need tons of bodywork. [emoji20] My profile pic is I think the October storm. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  17. I do! ... just not at this lead time. With the high and blocking in place, is there a definite limit as to how far west this could go? (Could it indeed cut?) At this time I'd prefer a BM track so it could adjust (like we know they always do) NW... Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  18. I know that view! ... we're you IN the lift shack? Lol Edit... oh, that's a Webcam. Lol, whoops! You know, it's a view I never get tired of, and OT, but I find it crazy how different it is riding a chair down instead of up. It's got an entirely different vibe. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  19. Dust on crust! Solid dusting, silver dollars falling below the radar. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  20. Gotta ask. ... you're probably the worldliest guy I know. Why do you stay in RI? Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
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