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Professional Lurker

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Everything posted by Professional Lurker

  1. Just got done driving home from the southern Maine Coast. Pretty cool to see how truly elevation dependent this snow is. That being said, I'm higher up than Fitchburg, but they've got more snow. Being the weenie that I am, I take solace in the fact that while areas closer to the coast may sometimes jackpot over areas in the far interior, I retain snow better. Prior to today's snow, I had only some exposed patches of lawn. Probably 80% coverage. Fitchburg, Leominster, 495? Bare ground... Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  2. I'll take that... Still a ways to go though Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  3. Was hoping we'd get another decent burst, but it looks like that back edge is falling apart quickly. When powder freak mentioned that his band fell apart, I thought it was a possibility. Now it seems a certainty. Oh well ... Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  4. Wow. They did worse than we did. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  5. A slant-sticked 3" here. Sucks, but what can you do? Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  6. Springfield sucks. Move out of the hood and into the country. Trust me, much better. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah looking at that now. ... Every Friday evening in winter traffic on my local highway is a shitshow of NY, CT, MA, and RI drivers headed north to ski country. Every Sunday it's the same as they go home. Everything I'm seeing now is that it's going to be 20x worse. Here in New England, with every major metropolitan area South of totality, heading north will be impossible unless you get there by dawn the day of. Same with heading home. ... So if the weather in the northeast will be cloudy and I have to head west for what would normally be a 12hr drive, I need to make that call by Friday and be in the road Saturday morning for a Monday eclipse. Ugh. We haven't seen anything like this in the northeast for 30 years. I think the average person will have no idea how bad traffic will be. Many will miss it stuck in traffic like Woodstock. Lol Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  8. I know that it's a smart idea to anticipate traffic and get to where your going ASAP that day, but how bad is it really? Are we talking absolute gridlock on major highways even in rural areas? Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  9. I'm headed to Bermuda the following week so I can't make a full-fledged trip out of it. It's going to be a last minute decision of anywhere between Houlton, me and Indianapolis, depending on potential cloud cover. Good news is I have lodging covered at both extremes if need be. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  10. Good God, the rain. Buckets! Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  11. Lol. I put up my outdoor lights today and turned them on. I love the look of Christmas lights and snow. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  12. Stupid idea to get a thread going for tonight's fun? The winter wx is mostly where people don't live, but for those of us who do, worth it? Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  13. Forgot to post pics of my club' annual Veterans' Day tourney that has evolved into a greens keeper's revenge. Super fun time as always. Between putting the tees where they're in the middle of building a new tee box to parking a mower right over the cup, things were pretty silly. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  14. There's a new mesonet site? I've been longing for one since pdfamily went down years ago. Sorry to hear about the laptop, btw.. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  15. Yup ... And I always hoped for a signature of WDRAG. His discussions were always amazing and I miss them. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  16. Mostly wet car this morning, but there was a very slight frost on part of the windshield in Hatfield. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  17. I've got relatives in Calais, Cutler, and Machias. Man, I'd love to take a drive, but alas... it's not in the cards. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  18. https://www.portbermudawebcam.com/ http://www.weather.bm/tools/graphics.asp?name=250KM%20SRI&user= Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  19. Gotta feel sorry for the fair.. Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  20. Miley? Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
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