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Professional Lurker

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Everything posted by Professional Lurker

  1. Yeah, that is a big drawback. ...and it doesn't set until like 4:30. Ugh.
  2. Bz doesn't look so hot at the moment, but things may improve. ...could be something?
  3. The parking lot at berkshire east has way more trees than you'd like, and the mountain on the north side of route 2 would impede your horizon view significantly. It is possible to drive up top. I have viewed aurora from the top of flying cloud, but that view is more WNW. I had top relocate to by the wind turbine for better north views. Is tricky driving up there, but if you know how, it can be done.
  4. Don't know if it's possible at night to drive up Okemos mountain rd, but that could be real nice.
  5. Less likely indeed. ..I'll still keep my eyes glued to the days though just in case.
  6. Eyewall, it blows my mind how much higher in the sky yours were. I mean, I know you're father north, but wow... the big dipper is completely engulfed. It was just fringed for me.
  7. All pics are raw, taken with my Sony a58. 30 seconds, f3.5, ISO 1800.
  8. It's clouded over here, but by the numbers it's still going strong.
  9. Still going strong, guys. The moon had set, so any light that you see to the north will be the lights. More of a solid diffuse glow. Did have pillars into the big dipper, so almost overhead.
  10. Kp is currently pretty low, but bz looks great. Wonder if we see anything tonight? They say that the cme may have missed, but the #'s could improve tonight.
  11. Hey, that white house in the foreground looks familiar. ...must be your go-to aurora shot. I've got a similar one. I've got great views to the south, east, and west. ...but my north views are really limited. Definitely blows that it fizzled. Looking at it all afternoon, I knew deep down in the back of my mind that it couldn't last. I experimented last night with my new sony a58. Have no idea where my tripod was hiding, so it was an adventure. Next time I'll be sure to have it.
  12. Yeah, but would it matter that the bz sucks right now?
  13. Yes, 03 was amazing. Tonight, even with crap Bz, there's still a definite green glow to the north. Kp=8 will do that I guess. Without a doubt a kick in the nutsack the Bz shooting at like -18 all afternoon to head to -4ish right around dark, only to remain there now. ...think we're done? Btw, took some pics, not worth uploading. What are you ruining for ISO on those pics? Everything I took tonight was horrifically grainy.
  14. It's pounding 30 miles from manhattan. ... but the dude in newark doesn't care about that. He looks out the window and says "fook the nws, they don't have a clue."... but who's truly the one without the clue?
  15. Glancing at the radar, it looks like the orientation of the bands will be good for us. It almost looks like a band is trying to come together from nyc to just over my head. ... Of course, it is very early, but i take it as a very good sign.
  16. Yeah, Mike. Out here is a huge question mark. I honestly think that we get more than 10". How much more obviously depends on that band and where it rots. I'd love to believe that most models are wrong and we get into the goods, but it's anybody's guess. Personally, if you can get on a plane, do it. ... it's not like we're on the south shore here witnessing a twice in a lifetime event. God, I hope I'm wrong.
  17. Personally, I don't care if I jackpot. Still, though, I'd like to see mby do well. Not thrilled about maps that I see that give me 6-12. Typically with benchmark storms, the deformation band will set up way west of where it's progged to do for this storm. Why?
  18. If the western models were to verify, I seriously doubt that the tolland hole would verify. Don't even need to try and rationalize that.
  19. Yes, good read. I just went over it to see why, at least in my area, they don't seem to put as much weight in the euro/nam solution. The disco basically says that I could play in the deform band, but their p/c and snowfall graphic suggest not. Doesn't really matter anyway. Stoked.
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