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Everything posted by Kay

  1. Hiked along some local wetlands earlier, major amphibian racket going on. peepers ofc and much more.
  2. I hear them over the wind and just now through a closed window I, for one, welcome our new peeper overlords.
  3. Peeper chorus last night here, too. If it happened earlier I missed it.
  4. As far as this sub...I feel like the majority of posters here are (more or less) on the same page about (many or most) of your most frequently argued assertions and fears. If not in this or that particular analogy, example, illustration etc, then writ large. But maybe I just have a good ignore list!
  5. Weenie radar looked like possibly few snow showers near Rock Hall idk (KDOX)
  6. The raven couple are back. (assuming same pair) Hanging around the same group of trees the last few days. If you see them routinely in YBY this must seem weird but
  7. 12/7 - T 1/15-16 - 4.25" 1/19 - 3.75" 2/13 - T 2/17 - 1.5" Total - 9.5"
  8. I too am preparing for the claw. Expectations clawed down. But maybe we claw it back.
  9. I in no way meant to suggest anyone is panicking. Just seeing the letters hrrr was enough to make me remember this awesome post. I said I wasn't posting about the system
  10. I'm not really posting this about this system, but I was reminded of it and have to give it another moment in the spotlight ...one of the best posts of the winter perhaps ever
  11. I definitely can't keep the latest thread protocols straight and would like to thank those who are doing so for their service.
  12. The suffering of mid-Atlantic snow weenies was already dire. How are we supposed to endure State Highway Snow Measurement. It's just cruel.
  13. I guess it might've been a nice Susquehanna State Park mini-chase. But it never occurred to me/am working.
  14. Seriously, man. Read the room as far as the NY obs... I'm one of the chillest people here and even I'm a bit salty today
  15. I was just having that Hmmm-emoji afterthought...been a while since I had to contemplate, a T it is, thanks...haha
  16. This may be the saddest report of 1" snow I've ever seen Can't really manage to report a T today. I'm at 8" seasonally. Coastal plain lyfe tho
  17. So cool that they're still touring Lost the rates and it's light snow/white rain here. No accums.
  18. Just flipped to light-mod snow here by the bay. For the moment. Huge flakes. 34
  19. Of course! I post. And fit so many other criteria. But the important thing is that we blame each other. So you can, and probably should, blame me. But no one should blame themselves! The rage must be directed outward.
  20. Friends. If the epic advertised patterns don't deliver, the important thing? Is that we blame each other. VICIOUSLY. I'm keeping a list of who to blame: -optimists -skeptics -realists -debs -people who start threads -people who refuse to start threads -people who protest threads -people who post -lurkers -all people with any interest in weather both on and off this forum
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