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Everything posted by Kay

  1. Nice, good luck with the seed nursery! I still haven't tried growing peppers from seed but may someday take the journey.
  2. Just placed my order with Baker Creek Johnny's is flooded, having a such a hard time keeping up with demand rn they're only taking farm orders for a bit. The pandemic has been good for the seed business. I've used Territorial before and was pleased, but not for ages. Now to finish the SW window rearrangement and set-up, it's getting real in here!
  3. Maybe a stand of siberian irises would work in the yellow area. They are pretty tough and they like wet soil but can deal with dry too. Foliage is nice and still looks good when they aren't blooming. https://hortnews.extension.iastate.edu/1997/3-28-1997/growiris.html
  4. Thank you both. Having fun browsing seeds today. I'll track snow to the bitter end but thinking about gardening again is nice, too.
  5. What are people's favorite places to order seeds online? I know a bunch of popular ones but interested in personal opinions. Used to grow more veg but mostly do tomatoes and basil, a few peppers and cucumbers, and focus more on flowers that attract/help out butterflies, hummingbirds, pollinators...Kind of a casual gardener, no grow lights, just start seeds in SW facing window and always a bit late, just getting started
  6. It's not a great night to take a walk, but it IS a great night to stand outside and take deep, refreshing breaths, listen to the spooky sound of ice rattling in trees, and watch stars twinkle. 26 and a bracing breeze
  7. Have had some nice light snow, good to see legit flakes. Hoping some of the next batch makes it here.
  8. Oh yes, let's do the craft beer thing but with coffee. Not more snobbish, is it? Interested in recs, too. I've been going through Peets and am impressed. My favorite is Italian Roast, just the perfect smooth dark roast imo. I don't always love french roasts but Peet's is excellent. Their Major Dickason's blend (also dark) seems like the most popular but not as much my cup of...coffee.
  9. You know you're a weirdo when you're genuinely disappointed you were unable to properly measure your sleet.
  10. under a nearly stationary band of nothing at all.
  11. 4.0" here, almost half of that by 2 a.m. Stayed up late watching and walking in it, super tired, this is a sickness lol. But 100% worth it. I feel for my brothers and sisters who got screwed over with slop and even more egregiously cold rain. This brings me to 8.4" season total to date.
  12. The most doleful words in weather: warm nose
  13. Tacking on .1" today. Snow transitioned to rain 10-11 a.m. producing a brief but picturesque blanket of slush.
  14. Lmao it's snowing again. Fine flakes blowing sideways.
  15. Excellent radar hallucination conditions last night. I surrendered to sleep at 3 am just as a band made it here. Woke up to more snow falling. Cloudy and breezy. Love it! 3.7" here. The duration and overall wintry-ness has made this fun for me.
  16. Caught some of the NE MD deathband, a pretty nice smoking. Padding my totals with .3" lumpy mashed potatoes. Rooting for everyone.
  17. Just switched over. 33/31 -SN 3.3" storm total so far
  18. Snow on ice is always nice. 7 pm 29/28 -SN 2.8"
  19. The river was frozen over shore to shore this morning and mostly still is. Haven't seen that in quite a while.
  20. No but tag inspired by that person.
  21. I'm happy for you guys. Would love to see some snowy shore pics, hint hint Lewes peeps.
  22. Great memories looking through that thread, thanks Wes. What an incredible period...oh the excitement and obsession and sleeplessness. I got 28" from the first storm and about 17" from the second but measuring that was tough. Bringing back memories of the "Mt. Chipotle" siliiness, ha.
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