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Posts posted by Kay

  1. 1 hour ago, mattie g said:

    They're actually coming along really nicely. Nearly every pepper and tomato seed germinated, so I had to snip some seedlings yesterday to give the others room to grow. The only issue I'm running into now is that I'm getting some purpling of the leaves, so after some research it seems I may need to add magnesium and/or phosphorus to help them out. I'll probably need to pot up pretty soon, too, but I'd like to get them a little bigger and stronger before doing that - maybe shoot to do it next weekend.

    I need to get my lettuce, spinach, and basil seeds going soon, with cucumbers and cantaloupe in the next week or two. Lots happening!

    How's things on your end?

    Very good report! Cool that everything germinated so well and that you're nearing potting up time already. It would be interesting to hear the results of the magnesium/phosphorus if you decide you need to do it.

    So far I've only started petunia seeds, a new experiment this year, tiny slow growers but doing well. This weekend I plan to start tomato and basil seeds and then toward the end of the month cucumbers and the main batch of annual flowers for the butterfly, bee, and hummingbird buffet. I think I'll try sowing some lettuce, spinach, and parsley outdoors in containers sometime soon, too.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

    I've seen reports of them around already, so probably soon in your location if not already!  Tree swallows also among some of the first migrants back into the area. 

    It's totally possible they're here already and haven't been raucous enough yet for me to notice. Once that starts it's almost impossible not to notice :D

  3. On 2/27/2021 at 11:43 AM, vastateofmind said:

    Can I be nosy and ask what you ordered this go-round? I see on the last page you were considering your vegetables for the season...perhaps some flowers. I hope you, and others here, share growth/progress pics...love to see them.

    Zinnia, cosmos, mexican sunflower, nasturtium, tomatoes, cukes, couple types of basil (aka the usual). I got dill, not as much for eating but I read it is a butterfly host plant/fave. Wild thyme, flat parsley. Also going to try growing petunia and snapdragon seeds. I splurged and got too many kinds of zinnia (6), cosmos (4), and tomatoes (5, plus they sent a free pack).

    I do not have room for all this haha. I'm also nearly incapable of thinning and throwing away. Last year I gave a bunch of seedlings to a coworker friend and she had a blast growing them so going to do that again. She later made me a couple beautiful zinnia drawings :) I like reading about/seeing others' plants too.

    • Like 3
  4. 9 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

    Yes, a rain garden is a great idea.  And plant native plants!!

    Good idea, and I should have suggested native irises. I have a neighbor who has some that look similar to siberian in a place that gets muddy but also dries out and she's a knowledegable gardener and believer in natives so it was probably one of these. https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/beauty/iris/Blue_Flag/index.shtml

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

    @Kay & @diatae, I really appreciate your quick and workable suggestions of the irises and allium for that problem corner spot of the backyard. I'm reasonably sure that I'll have to turn that soil again and convert it to a garden bed...but at least I have some great suggestions to get started. Thanks again!  :) 

    Just remembered...you might want to look into "rain gardens" for ideas. You may already know this but they're plantings for areas that regularly get runoff but also dry out (so not the same as a wetland).

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, mattie g said:

    Got the tomatoes into their cells yesterday. Jalapeños are taking true sweet time, but I’m not surprised since the heat may will only bump the temp by about 15 degrees from the 56 ambient down there. They may well not germinate for a couple more weeks.

    @Kay...I use Territorial. Always liked their options and customer service. I used to order my tomato and pepper plants from Lazy Ox Farm (they’re fantastic), but I wanted to give starting everything from seed a whirl this year!

    Nice, good luck with the seed nursery! I still haven't tried growing peppers from seed but may someday take the journey. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Eskimo Joe said:

    My three favorite sites are: Seed Savers Exchange, Baker Creek, and Territorial. All three sites have a great virtual presence and you can get their free catalogs in the mail. If you sign up for their mailing list, the catalog will come sometime in mid-January which really spurs the itch for spring.

    Just placed my order with Baker Creek :) Johnny's is flooded, having a such a hard time keeping up with demand rn they're only taking farm orders for a bit. The pandemic has been good for the seed business. I've used Territorial before and was pleased, but not for ages. Now to finish the SW window rearrangement and set-up, it's getting real in here!

  8. 17 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

    While I've browsed this thread in recent years, I've never had a dire need to visit until now...to hit up you smart/knowledgeable AmWx lawn and garden subject matter experts on what I might be able to do to correct some drainage and grass-growing issues in this particular corner of my backyard.

    Maybe a stand of siberian irises would work in the yellow area. They are pretty tough and they like wet soil but can deal with dry too. Foliage is nice and still looks good when they aren't blooming.


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  9. What are people's favorite places to order seeds online? I know a bunch of popular ones but interested in personal opinions. Used to grow more veg but mostly do tomatoes and basil, a few peppers and cucumbers, and focus more on flowers that attract/help out butterflies, hummingbirds, pollinators...Kind of a casual gardener, no grow lights, just start seeds in SW facing window and always a bit late, just getting started :lol:



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  10. It's not a great night to take a walk, but it IS a great night to stand outside and take deep, refreshing breaths, listen to the spooky sound of ice rattling in trees, and watch stars twinkle.

    26 and a bracing breeze


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  11. 2 hours ago, snowfan said:

    I need some new coffee recommendations. Must be ground, darker the better.

    Anyone use some of the coffee subscription services where you get a different variety w each delivery?

    Oh yes, let's do the craft beer thing but with coffee. Not more snobbish, is it? Interested in recs, too. I've been going through Peets and am impressed. My favorite is Italian Roast, just the perfect smooth dark roast imo. I don't always love french roasts but Peet's is excellent. Their Major Dickason's blend (also dark) seems like the most popular but not as much my cup of...coffee.

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