Dry here but the clouds have been really wild in the Harford blob. Moving at quite different speeds at different heights. Thought I was about to see rotation but no
Truly! I've tried and failed to get a good pic. I drove through some farm fields earlier and almost got an amaaaazing half-sunny landscape shot (iykwim) but too slow.
Sidestepping the sheep topic, I've always been fascinated by/have fun trying to mimic accents and I just love Welsh-accented English! so musical and adorable.
Snowen I know you've taken some heat for newb things at times but I just want to say, I can tell you have a sense of humor and perspective about yourself that will serve you well in life (and the board but you know, life more important).
I've gotten into night time walks lately, and they're amazing. Sadly, night photography is...uh..not a current strength. Sooner or later I'll get out more in the daytime though