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Everything posted by Kay

  1. The WTI (winter thread index) is strongly positive, which usually indicates mid-Atlantic weenies are READY TO TRACK, even the remotest possibility of snow. I know I am.
  2. Haha, well clearly you are her hero I was not without fear but a) I've relocated smaller sneks, and b) seen others relocate these and survive lol. He/she was a whopper though. Weirdest part was, at first I was like, huh why is the weatherstripping at the bottom of the door all flattened out and wavy like that, what could have happened to it OOOOOHHHHHHH. Still MIA, btw. Hopefully outside
  3. Large black rat snake in the house...was lying along the front door...in the approx one minute it took to find some gloves and a broom and begin to steel myself, it totally disappeared. I don't mind them generally, and eating rodents is a plus, but now it's...somewhere.
  4. Had a gig in York, PA yesterday and they were everywhere. Landing on you randomly. I haven't seen any here so far. The smoke made for a dark and eerie sunset on Friday #oldobs
  5. Dumping rain now in the cell moving up the bay.
  6. I am finally making headway with Raccoons Who Love To Dig Up Containers. So PSA, they do not seem to like salvia! They don't touch three big containers of it AND I found they stopped &%(-ing with other flower containers after salvia was added. YMMV, I'm talking about this one: https://parkseed.com/summer-jewel-red-salvia-seeds/p/51689-PK-P1/ Grew it from seed a few years ago but it keeps reseeding itself so there is a steady supply. Also does all right indoors for winter. Hummingbirds are crazy about it.
  7. Per iweathernet estimate 2.66" imby last 24 hours. Deluged this morning.
  8. still and quiet here as storms slide by to the east
  9. Kay

    Winter 2022-23

    Richmond: BURIED Battlezone SAFELY south
  10. yeah marginal days are a whole discussion and ways to cut down, that's valid, I just...to me it would be such a bummer if virtual learning sucked all the fun out of (let's say legit) snow days, like we enjoyed.
  11. these hail reports are interesting...and I'm annoyed, I was distracted by work stuff during the storm and did not manage to visually check out what I assumed were large, loud drops
  12. Nice thundershower earlier. Came down heavy, picked up an inch. Couple decent house-shakers.
  13. lots of dimensions to this whole discussion but just gonna weigh in on one thing: converting snow days to virtual learning days is sad
  14. 0.60" here Agreed on the great weather weekend. Primo night-time walk weather. The insect chorus is changing, taking on that early fall sound...
  15. It's fun when you find out someone is a weather geek. I was wrapping up a vet visit Th eve just as storms were coming through. Was invited to hunker, got chatting with one of the vets, and before you knew it we were slinging terms, ykwim kinda checking to see if the other got it, then just fully confessing to weenie-ness then she took out her phone and showed me 'incoming' pics from the parking lot
  16. good one: "thresholdy" By late morning/early afternoon Friday, a cold front may drop down from the northwest and usher in the next chance for a few strong to even severe thunderstorms for the area. Instability parameters are thresholdy at this point, but we`ll continue to monitor the latest for any potential significant forecast adjustments needed. breezy this morning, gusting ~15-20 mph
  17. I think your rollercoaster cred cancels all of that other stuff out
  18. activity to the W is making for a spooky sunset
  19. omg I think I have a vague memory of that t-shirt! yes, I am #oneoftheolds I wish it were different, but I can't handle rollercoasters. It's a little weird bc I've really enjoyed motorcycles, even going so far as learning to ride...tho only did sparsely over a year or two so before deciding it was insane. Also not a fan of flying. So it's prob not the speed but that feeling in your stomach - that people who love rollercoasters must love!
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