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Everything posted by Kay

  1. Just past the a.m. high tide, minor coastal flooding bringing water into low lying places around here. More H20 to freeze. Awaiting the rain...already had a brief power outage. 44F
  2. I will try to make up for my east-ness with ice
  3. Thanks EJ! It could use some help so that is good to hear.
  4. I have wondered this for a long time. Anyone know? Huge fan of the hourly forecast graph
  5. No comment on anything else but this is exactly why no one cares about my obs It's ok I totally get it
  6. Should be some decent freeze-up on rivers, streams, ponds, etc. from this airmass. Hoping for interesting formations and whatnot with the prolonged blustery conditions.
  7. from twitter, throwing it in here because why not "Arctic Blast", I like it
  8. This is how I feel (and anyone can feel how they want obviously). Not really gonna have IMBY performance metrics on this one
  9. Some beautiful mixed skies yesterday
  10. One evening after elementary school I told my parents I'd read some words on the bathroom wall. Don't remember how I phrased this. DO remember my mom insisting I TELL them what words. Pretty embarrassing, a little scary, but hey I'd been given the green light, it was also kind of a kick
  11. 33 and rain my brothers and sisters, I did it
  12. Nice to see you va! And cool pic! You didn't miss much from me on the gardening front..the music part of my life got busy last spring and I was a slacker..but did grow a nice annuals pollinator patch and a shit-ton of basil Hope you're able to pop in to track the BIG ONE that is INEVITABLE...in our dreams
  13. Nice. There was skim ice on the Bush River too this a.m. All gone now. Low 21
  14. this mixup literally just happened to me lol. blue and triangular white shape perhaps
  15. sunny day here in the east, 45 currently edit: NE MD PUMMELED with sun
  16. Low of 23 and heavy frost imby too. Pretty.
  17. Bush River inlet area. I've spotted them in the open river too but not for years. Maybe need to start paying more attention. That is cool! SO CUTE
  18. I saw a river otter! It has been a long time. It was in an area where there *are* usually beavers but I saw it lope across a path and into water and the shape was pretty clear. Now there needs to be snow so I can go back around there and look for tracks!
  19. have you tried hovering vs clicking?
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