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Everything posted by Kay

  1. There is a definite "what season even is this" quality. 55 here, too.
  2. Happy New Year, weenies!
  3. dense fog advisory locations - that escalated quickly
  4. Farewell for now, lovely crispy crunchy leaves and ice
  5. I didn't know where to put this, but since we have learners as well as knowers here I thought this was good. Article more involved/technical.
  6. Goodness that's spectacular!
  7. Outlandish scene! Newfoundlanders have a word for this, they would say those houses are ballicattered #icetrivia
  8. So sorry to hear. That is rough. Wishing you a better and brighter 2023. I find weather can be soothing (ironically, for all the pain it causes weenies) in the same ways Bob Chill talked about nature and being present in the moment. It simply "is". Years ago an acquaintance who was not a weather weenie per se but was an avid sailor/boatbuilder gave me a metaphor that I really like...if you are on a boat in a storm, far from land, you just try to "weather" the storm. In hard times I have thought about that...I don't have to do anything right now but weather this. Because weather always changes and this will pass.
  9. To sing the blues you've got to live the tunes and Carry on Carry on Snow is coming Snow is coming to us all
  10. I like the look in the tree skirt domain
  11. Are you a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional, leesburg? You always have your finger on the pulse of this board's daily emotional struggles
  12. Welp I still didn't get a good pic, but this from yesterday shows what I was talking about above. Freezing spray > freezing rain. And update: river now frozen over shore to shore.
  13. I like that we have both a panic thread and a futility thread, for when you're just too weary to panic
  14. I took a walk in the woods this afternoon and was really getting into that crispy crunch of leaves + ice Awesome out. Just got back from walk #2. World of difference without the wind!
  15. The Bush River has not frozen over (yet?) just too windy and turbulent. Main cool sight so far is any vegetation close enough to the high water we had got coated with freezing spray and is encased in ice. I didn't get a good pic and I'm not going back down there until it's less windy!
  16. Lol at the meme yes...everyone loves Rutter. Especially singers.
  17. for @Maestrobjwa@Always in Zugzwangand anyone else who might like a beautiful wintry piece.
  18. Windy af right now. River covered in whitecaps and rolling/breaking waves.
  19. Been getting some wind-driven sideways flurries #firstflakes 33F
  20. All part of a well-balanced wx weenie diet
  21. psu = pretty sure underwhelming I kid! I appreciate psu's posts (sometimes through my tears)
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