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Posts posted by Kay

  1. On 7/9/2022 at 2:58 PM, batmanbrad said:

    Yes, Andy "Woody!" Woodcock, he was a trip.  I occasionally go to other WFO's to check out their AFD's - some can get very wordy/technical, I especially remember the Taunton (now Boston/Norton) office when there would be a coastal storm in winter or a tropical system in summer, the discussion was a bit like "War and Peace"!

    back to last weekend's AFDs chat...I never knew WOODY!'s real name, mystery solved :lol: I still remember when he retired and wrote his last AFD he mentioned something like 'I'm sure records must be kept for this' and I can't remember what 'this' was anymore but I respected that it was his last week and he couldn't be bothered to look it up :lol:

    the sort of trivia I count on this board for and anyone else would think I'm insane

  2. 2 hours ago, kgottwald said:

    AFDs used to be a lot more interesting, varied and idiosyncratic back in the 1990s. A model "forecasting mins for planet Venus". "I just shake my head at the LFM." 


    Nowadays they have to stick with their template: synopsis, short term, long term, and all the IDGAF stuff (aviation, marine, tides) at the bottom. All kind of samey,

    Haha. I'd love to read some of those, didn't start till the 00s. AFDs were (are) a huge part of teaching myself about weather. Hit the glossary links and googled stuff etc.

    I still think they can be entertaining. I religiously read Tides/Coastal Flooding. Aviation is often a good synopsis, too. However -- I do really miss WOODY! I could tell his writing style in a sentence or less :lol:

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  3. 21 hours ago, nw baltimore wx said:

    We were at Broadkill Beach this week and heard foxes on Monday night from indoors after sunset. Then on Tuesday, we were the only ones sitting on the beach near sunset and saw two adult foxes carefully make their way out from the dunes. A few minutes later, three kits (I want to call them pups but know that’s wrong) join them. The kits were loving it. Jumping and tackling each other in the sand. Very cute.

    moving fox talk from June thread...that's so cool! It must have been magical seeing them emerge from the dunes! So I called them kits bc it was the first thing that came to mind after deciding against "fox babies". But I just looked into it and you can call them kits, pups, cubs and other it's all good. Also I have to correct my post a bit, the adult I've been seeing with the litter could just as well be dad as mom :) or both

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  4. Nature report...there's a family of 4-5 fox kits and mom living very very close somewhere. Been seeing them a lot. This is the 3rd eve in a row I've noticed them come out to frolic along the river's edge during sunset. Just having a ball racing and scampering, occasional puppy-fighting. Sproing!

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  5. 10 minutes ago, mappy said:

    It’s amazing of them. I just feel bad, I know it causes them to adjust every dance she is in, at the last minute. I hate what this does for everyone else.

    I hear you, that sucks. Most especially for your family. I bet there will be a lot of heart and a lot of joy for all in that make-up show.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, mappy said:

    Her dance studio is already on top of it, the director reached out and said they are going to plan a small show with her Company dancers so she can dance. Just for her. To say I am touched is an understatement. We’ve found quite a family at the studio. 

    Aw, that's lovely of them, mappy. I hope you feel better asap.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Trying not to be upset about our winters anymore...but I swear everytime I see a tweet about the frickin' long Nina still going strong...it's dang depressing, I'm telling ya. It kinda dampens whatever great mood I'm in, and I hate that it has that much power. Ya know I read something the other day about Ninas potentially becoming more prevalent? (Just a theory, but still). And thinking about last winter looking just like the last two is crap. But maybe just not tracking will make it a bit better.

    I know it's just June but my brain keeps going to next winter imagining what's gonna happen.

    Ya wish it were different, nut...I have control over it. Ya just wish it were different...but it ain't. It's not right, but  And I don't travel great right now...but eventually when I'm in a better life position I may just have to take the advice and make a trip north (or heck, drive down to s/se Maryland in January) to see some good snow. Meanwhile, just gotta find a way to suck it up and not dwell on it (not easy to do, lol)

    Maybe try kicking back with some Nina Simone :lol:

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