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Everything posted by Kay

  1. working AH, just starting to brighten here by the bay
  2. tropical downpour sub-severe here
  3. plenty of lightning and being lashed with rain but nothing like you guys to the north eta: apropos crosspost haha
  4. I've been home all day, much hazier in the last couple hours it seems...bit of the acrid smell now, too.
  5. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip as well Happy belated birthday, @WxWatcher007 !
  6. Checking back in after getting back from a trip to Greece, and those who encouraged me to go were so right. Went to a friend's milestone bday celebration in Rhodes followed by few days in Athens. Landed at IAD around 8-830 pm last night and immediately thought - whoa now there's a summer sunset, ours are so much more interesting but seriously... it was beautiful and I'm so so glad I went! I think I may have heard but not seen some DC fireworks (?) as I finally reached my car, it was dark enough, but idk. Maybe I will post some Greece pics but not too weather-related...hope all are doing well and had a happy 4th. @WxWatcher007I've been scrolling through your pics just now they are amaaaazing!
  7. Have been missed to the E and W but actual rain is arriving now
  8. Much clearer this morning! Still some odor rn. Low 51
  9. It's been dim and hazy all day but I didn't notice smoke odor earlier. Last hour or so ramping up noticeably.
  10. Just came out on the deck and saw a kingbird and great crested flycaycher fighting over a tiger swallowtail. I startled them and the butterfly escaped! Barely! Happy to see the GCF back. They started nesting somewhere close by a couple years ago. In other animal news, I saw an otter again! Same spot as a winter sighting I posted about. Swimming at surface with his/her head up, and checking me out, unmistakably otter. It has been many MANY years since I've seen one Wishing all a wonderful holiday weekend!
  11. That's great! Enjoying everyone's sightings/experiences
  12. Terrible, horrible phone pic but for bird peeps this pileated friend from a few days ago. There's actually a nice-sized group in these woods this year, it's very cool! I've seen multiples at once but not this close/in flight.
  13. No, but I totally get how it sounded that way I didn't start/buy any veg plants, mostly because spring and early summer have become super busy times for me plus travel plans. So being lower maintenance about the gardening.
  14. Cool concept. I don't think I have squirrel issues but have been plagued with similar behavior from raccoons. I think I posted about it last year...they will totally dig up containers...I found by accident that they really hate salvia and won't dig any pot that includes it. I'm talking about really fragrant type that smells sage-y/spicy, but only bc I haven't tried anything else. Maybe squirrels hate it too idk!
  15. Welp, it'll be the second year running growing no veg. BUT I have a table of annual flower seedlings ready to go for the pollinator patch. Lots of different zinnias (fave), tithonia (other fave), and cosmos. And plenty of basil - genovese, thai, and Persian, which I only discovered last year and is delicious! I always let some basil bloom and go to seed so I count it in the flowers too
  16. 3.00" per iweathernet 72 hour
  17. Dumping rain. Gonna have to rely on radar estimates for my final tally
  18. there are a bunch of swallows flying around my yard in the rain
  19. Are we still cautiously optimistic about a drier stretch Saturday afternoon? LWX AFD seems to like showers (more than guidance maybe on quick look) but worded more strongly in Aviation. Parsing every word, haha. Outdoor gigs both Sat and Sun hopefully Sun is cancelled.
  20. Seems so. My first sighting last year was May 3rd per site search. There's good vernal pool action around here (even in the current dryness) I suspect that's a factor.
  21. A few fireflies out tonight
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