@Always in Zugzwang Yep, grew up in Atlanta, went to Colorado to study Meteorology, but the school stunk, literally, U. Of N. Colorado in Greeley, if the winds blew from the east, we got the stench of the cattle feed lots, LOL. still have my laminated skew-T chart somewhere.Transferred to GT and studied International affairs, undergrad and Grad. Graduated grad school in 98, then moved up here. Loved my time at GT and growing up in the Atlanta area, but was ready for a change. Totally agree, if you know the cool places and little nieghborhoods, it’s lots of fun. Use to hang out a lot at that Bar/Restaurant at Piedmont park back then.
That was Tuck, picture is from the end of the storm after 20in. He was standing and was just kinda stuck. Have a lab now, named ‘Thunder’ lol. He has never seen snow, can’t wait for that to happen!