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Everything posted by GATECH

  1. Heart of winter like day...getting me in the mood for Sunday!
  2. Godspeed @Bob Chill! Class act on this forum and will be missed!
  3. I am going to say fail on both, we all know DCA low will be 23 tonight and the high tomorrow will be 34....
  4. Does this storm have a stupid Weather Channel name yet?
  5. Well if this is how I loose the snowfall contest, than so be it...
  6. 36.7, DP 27. Come on stay rain! Gotta win the snowfall contest!
  7. I haven’t been since I got Married, LOL...
  8. Probably several...also, Hooters was invented in Tampa, so that raises the “class” bar!
  9. The microclimate thing is super interesting, I live in the general area as @H2O though I have the tropical Potomac lurking about 500 yards to my east. I am due south of DCA, and old town, for the most part my weather mirrors DCA with some major exceptions. I find my snowfall is generally greater than DCA during a widespread event, by about 2-5 inches during big dogs. In all the 2009-2010 storms and with 2016 I found this to be the case. Jokes about how they measure DCA snowfall aside, I have been trying to figure out why. Biggest theory is the UHI. I am way less urban than DCA/old town. Single family neighborhoods with lots of trees and lots of forested parkland make a ton of difference. I usually drop 5 degrees on the car thermometer from old town to my house. The snow we got in November of 2018 could be a perfect example of how this benefits me, though it’s extremely rare.
  10. Wife grew up and was a fan of the orangsicle Bucs...as in was given free tickets and Budweiser vouchers because no one would go to games. Tampa Bay has great food, Cuban influence for sure! Cuban sandwiches, great fish/seafood! Also an awesome craft beer scene down there!
  11. Outstanding sunrise here at Deep Creek!
  12. Total ripage...sorry y’all might be the only chance I can say that this year!
  13. Too bad we leave tomorrow! But loving today!
  14. Ripping here in deep creek, instant stickage! I love this place!
  15. Snowing in Deep Creek! Most snow I have seen since I was in Yosemite in fall of 2019!
  16. Here we are mid January with but crumbs to track for the next 15 days...I am about ready to say screw it, I want the shutout to win this thing...Wall to wall lead in the snowfall contest would be epic...so close to going to the dark side and checking into my Panic Room Suite....
  17. I came to Deep Creek, Md for some snow, nada...guess I should have booked a cabin in Waco, Tx. I should just check in to my Suite in the the Panic Room. On the plus side I am still winning the snowfall contest....
  18. I know, I know, just testing the waters on future whining. All I know is that I am currently winning the snowfall contest, and I am not happy about it!
  19. The acting out is because the good pattern is always 15 days away, it’s been 15 days away since Dec 15....
  20. Flurries have commenced! It’s a Christmas Miracle!
  21. We definitely overlapped, LOL! Nice! I may have been banned at highland tap after an unfortunate bachelor party (we went back to re-live our youth in 2005), things went sideways, we ended up at Cheetah 3, we somehow lost the bachelor. Love me some highlands. I have bunches of HS and GT friends still in the area, last of the family left years ago. Need to take my son to a football game sometime post COVID!
  22. I don’t remember it verifying, but always a treat to be under reds instead of pinks!
  23. @Always in Zugzwang Yep, grew up in Atlanta, went to Colorado to study Meteorology, but the school stunk, literally, U. Of N. Colorado in Greeley, if the winds blew from the east, we got the stench of the cattle feed lots, LOL. still have my laminated skew-T chart somewhere.Transferred to GT and studied International affairs, undergrad and Grad. Graduated grad school in 98, then moved up here. Loved my time at GT and growing up in the Atlanta area, but was ready for a change. Totally agree, if you know the cool places and little nieghborhoods, it’s lots of fun. Use to hang out a lot at that Bar/Restaurant at Piedmont park back then. That was Tuck, picture is from the end of the storm after 20in. He was standing and was just kinda stuck. Have a lab now, named ‘Thunder’ lol. He has never seen snow, can’t wait for that to happen!
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