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Everything posted by GATECH

  1. Puking cotton balls under this little band.
  2. Just woke up to rain, But now transitioning to big ole fat flakes
  3. Friends reporting from NE Atl suburbs of an over performer, 1in when they were forecast to have 0. Good sign imho. Here on the tropical shores of the Potomac in SE Fairfax county, temp 40, do 30.
  4. Lol, thanks, yes feat! Been a pretty good experience, first week was rough but getting exponentially better with each day. Hope we avoid ice next week, that would be no fun on my new hip, plus my other one has to be replaced too (bad genes apparently), so walking is an adventure. When the hips went bad, I became a walking barometer, bad remaining one is beginning to act up, storm on the way!
  5. 55 and gorgeous out...went on a walk...just had my hip replaced 2 weeks ago so that was no small feet.
  6. Snowman massacre in progress...
  7. HAPPY WEATHER PERSONS DAY! I think everyone on this board kinda qualifies, but special thanks to the professional civil servants at NOAA and the NWS that work tirelessly to keep us safe. Also big shoutout to the key contributors to this board that keep us informed, educated and entertained! from Wikipedia... National Weatherperson's Day, also known as National Weatherman's Day, is observed on February 5 primarily in the United States.[1] It recognizes individuals in the fields of meteorology, weather forecastingand broadcast meteorology, as well as volunteer storm spotters and observers. It is observed on the birthday of John Jeffries, one of the United States' first weather observers who took daily measurements starting in 1774.
  8. You kinda answered your own question, we will wet bulb down, but the real answer is to look upstairs, look at the surface temp at DCA in this sounding from DCA, looks to be below 32 at anything above 1000mb. Heavy rates and you get a beat down, light rates and it’s snow/rain or rain. Your concerns are all valid though, we have seen many a marginal situations bust, and a few boom. Learn to read soundings and skew-t charts, will be super helpful!
  9. Yep, and ironically they (VA, MD, and DC) didn’t pre treat the roads. I mean usually they treat the roads for cold rain in January...
  10. FYI, awesome site for snow maps, goes back a while, but only goes to 2015 https://glenallenweather.com/alink/18snow/maps2.htm
  11. We were greedy back then! Now we just pray for scraps!
  12. Nope, there was Feb 2-3, but everyone was focused on feb 5-6. So many snowstorms, hard to remember them all, LOL!
  13. Yeah, I think the urban heat island did a number on it in DC. it was an appetizer for the big dog, I got a solid 5in here near Mt. Vernon, 4 WSW verified storms in 2 weeks...what a year!
  14. This setup reminds me of feb 2-3 2010. I believe that was a marginal event that trended north, it was at night too. Nice refresher here from CWG and Ian. Good reason to reminisce. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2015/01/30/looking-back-on-winter-2009-10-snowless-january-out-with-a-bang-just-the-beginning-of-an-epic-stretch/?_gl=1*1xgwv57*_ga*MjI0dHUtZmJoLVVUZFZway1zT3diaTExWktQM1JpTi13WHoxbzJNRHJESjdlYjdmWHhHTmZDUktuWFR1dlAzWA..
  15. These typical superstitions aren’t working, let’s throw them out the window. They are working about as good as the euro is predicting snow this year. Let’s create a storm thread now! Let’s Rand Paul gif the sh!t out of this storm until we get 3-6”
  16. LOL! Blame @LeesburgWx! I was going to wait until we get buried by the RGEM, eh but f it!
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