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Everything posted by GATECH

  1. Probably the best example is feb 14 2007, it has been thrown about lately. Was supposed to be a big ice storm, but we got a nice thump of 2-3inches of snow, then about 3 inches of sleet, then a glaze of ice. It was like a glacier. Happened at night, so not much to see. I was in a big sleet storm in Georgia in the 80’s, poured sleet, pretty miserable to be out in.
  2. For those wondering, here’s what’s going on https://www.weather.gov/media/rnk/88D-generator-replacement.pdf answer to my own question, 6-8 days...but in government talk that could mean anything?
  3. Anyone know when the Blacksburg Radar will be fixed. The angle of our snow is coming from that area, it’s annoying as f that it’s down.
  4. Their Milk shakes are pretty awesome too!
  5. Five Guys should be declared the official burger chain of the Mid Atlantic forum, started in Arlington, its HQ is in Lorton and by god they make an awesome burger!
  6. Hopefully the models keep popping the Viagara!
  7. Things are pretty busy across CONUS. Coast to coast winter, impressive
  8. Discovered a flaw with my tempest weather flow weather station, it’s frozen over, making the haptic rain sensor inoperable. I guess a bucket dumper would have the same problem. Hmmm
  9. 100% freezing rain' not of a breezy too
  10. Here we go, 30.7, DP 19, spitting something. Waiting for my CVS receipt upgrade to an Ice Storm Warning. Radar Blossoming, 12 Nam looks juicy through 6
  11. That’s longer than a CVS receipt!
  12. Man it been a long time since I saw those in general meteorology 201, lol. Is there a key. What is the upside down Star Trek thingy, #18? Is that the snow anus symbol? Sorry belongs in banter, to keep this relevant, long range looks Icy...maybe? But probably not.
  13. This picture from my old house just popped up in my Facebook feed, from Feb 2010. The WAA snow before blizzard 2 of Feb 9-10, 2010. About 4-5 inches in two hours, then sleet/drizzle lull, then at 6am the house shook as if hit by an earth quake. Pouring snow, 50mph winds and whiteout conditions. Now that was a way to run a winter!
  14. Wow, I can’t believe I really got half an inch last night! Temp 29.
  15. Yep noticed DP is going down. Bar is for a passing heavy flurry! Though maybe my south of town location will pay dividends for once.
  16. Gonna wait up all night to watch it happen, nah f that.
  17. Yeah, noticed that, perfect timing, plus that mountain that shadows the LWX radar to the SW is annoying!
  18. Now using the home field RADAR, if that area by Harrisonburg fills in, DC area might be in business for .5” coating FTW?!
  19. Hmmm, might just get clipped...coating is a high bar though
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