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Everything posted by GATECH

  1. Yeah. We missed the first two rounds to our north, got hit by round 3
  2. 98.1 high today with .71” of rain. Pretty good summer day!
  3. Looks like I hit the rain lotto jackpot today. Heaviest cell currently in the area parked over me! Nearing a half inch!
  4. Glorious pouring heavy rain! .25 in the last 10 minutes and still going strong!
  5. Doing the same thing…but from the pool!
  6. 102 high today. Hopefully the last one for a long time! Let’s see how the storms screw some of us over tonight! Good luck, may everyone get lots or rain! …and keep your power!
  7. Day 10 of 100+ this summer. Its too hot to even look up how many 90+ I have had…
  8. Nah, hell has less humidity.
  9. Just broke my station all time record, 103.3, with more time to go. Previous record of 102.9 stood all of 24 days.
  10. Rain is the new snow apparently
  11. Truth…I have a plan though
  12. 101.3 today. That is the 6th 100+ degree day this year. In the previous 4 years, with the same weather station, in the same location I had a total of zero. What da fuq!
  13. I noticed a little brown out yesterday. Today’s outage was definitely branch down…happens all the time on fort hunt road…ironically our lines are underground but a fed from the lines on fort hunt
  14. Luckily it came back around 6…now gotta cool the house before the storms roll in
  15. Nice breeze today…just enough to knock a branch onto a power line and take out the power to the neighborhood. Ok weather gods what have I done to piss you off! Whatever it is, I am sorry, truly very very sorry….currently 96 outside and 81 inside….
  16. Good god. 102 again today! HI 114!
  17. 101. HI 118! Can I hit 120?!
  18. 100. Second of the season, HI 115!!!!
  19. 94 DP 79! HI 112! Gross!
  20. Brief shower, complete steam bath now. 91, DP 84 after the shower, HI 114! I earned my cold beer with my 20ft walk with the trash cans!
  21. Brief shower, complete steam bath now. 91, DP 84 after the shower, HI 114!
  22. 99 with HI of 113, gross.
  23. I have a tempest. Great compact little system, it enhanced by AI, has a haptic rain gauge and sonic anemometer. I used to have a Davis vantage pro II, solid device but I like the compact tempest better. Great customer service with the tempest! See the tempest netork mapped below, I am the station called emerald, station just north of Fort Hunt https://tempestwx.com/map/40.7128/-74.0059/12 https://business.tempest.earth/tempestone-weather-system?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADhFFvFRz6prUk09vFs9ZWbSuOONG&gclid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVqcD-NGun69UVtWbsqTCHJZ4Q_rhXxKttRjlKP6TGdjV6mmGGLZG8xoCvzMQAvD_BwE
  24. Yeah, definitely a pretty good down burst. Highest gust on my weather station that night was 10mph, but my weather station is terribly sighted for wind. Couple of 4-5 inch branches in the hood were broken so pretty legit storm. Just can’t believe the paltry rainfall…
  25. Oh wow, we missed all that fun down here! Did it get super windy? Or just bad luck, dead limb decided to finally go and hit just the right spot to send you back to 1852? Power back?
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