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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Fort Hunt Area of Fairfax County, VA

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  1. I am gonna be in Boston for XMAS....bookit!
  2. Amazing sunset!
  3. Just cut down our Christmas tree in Berryville, with flurries flying…cold and windy. Feels like Christmas for a change!
  4. Mega death band of rain forming overhead…why can’t we get this in January when it’s 28…I guess we need the rain though. Temp 38
  5. And why when the wind is howling the power stays on, while when a sparrow farts on a sunny calm day in July the power is out for hours…
  6. The passengers on the plane that just flew over my house into DCA must love this approach!
  7. Now this is some right proper November weather! Best rain/t-storm of the year! Wind howling! Pouring Rain!
  8. Yeah. Buts it the euro at 342…it will change to partly sunny and 72 by tomorrow…never thought I would write ‘it’s the euro at 342!’ The future has arrived! It will still be snowless probably!
  9. Is it wrong to be sippin bourbon on the deck watching it rain…at 3:30pm? I mean, I did just walk the dog in the rain for the first since time since….anyways I deserve the bourbon. Temp 52 with steady light rain.
  10. Always fun to see Hurricanes being downgraded…especially by Yellow Jackets!
  11. BWI: 2.1 DCA: 2.0 IAD: 2.5 RIC: .7 Tiebreaker SBY: .5
  12. Amazing! My best shot was actually looking south into the moon! Eclipse, Northern Lights maybe an over performing comet later this month! 2024 awesome for astronomy stuff!
  13. I think they were in the process of fixing it, they were to draw down the lake substantially to fix it....should have done it sooner!
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